ENG 375: Young Adult Literature
Thanks for visiting ENG 375: Young Adult Literature taught by Dr. Jan Susina in the English Department at Illinois State University. The website supports class discussions in the course focusing on texts (books, films, graphic novels, television, magazine, websites, music, etc.) for people ages 13 to 21.
Syllabus for ENG 375 Spring 2022. Link here for Syllabus for ENG 375.1 Link here for Syllabus for ENG 375.2
Introductory articles
- Howard P. Chudacoff. "Adolescence and Youth." Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood In History and Society. Paula S. Fass, ed. (New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004), 1:15-20. in on encyclopedia.com website
- Annabel Gutterman & Megan McCluksey in Time magazine (Aug 2021) “How We Chose the 100 Best YA Books of All Time”
- "A Story for Everyone" by Shannon Hale on Hale's blog here
- Tavi Gevinson. "Rookie's Editor Letter December 2013: Forever"
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
J. D. SalingerNerd Fighter video explaining Catcher in the Ryefor high school summer readers. 4 min
- 60second recap explanation of Catcher in the Rye. 1:15 min.
- "Catching Salinger segment from documentary filmed at Valley Forge Military Academy on which Pency Prep is based. YT. 3 min
I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika Sánchez
- "The Case for a Mexican-American Holden Caufield" essay by Sánchez
- Sánchez at Chicago Humanities Festival. YouTube video
- selection from Steppenwolf's "I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter"
- Erika Sánchez website with links to interviews and her articles
Links to paintings mentioned by Sánchez
- Nighthawks by Edward Hopper
- Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artmesia Gentileschi
- Anna Maria Dashwood by Sir Thomas Lawrence
- The Old Guitarist by Pablo Picasso
- The Cybernetic Lobster Telephone by Salvador Dali
- "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte" by Georges Suerat
Related film clips
- Trailer for Dash and Lilly series that features The Strand bookstore
- "Tradition" from Fiddler on the Roof (1971)
- "My Baby Loves A Bunch of Author" by Moxy Fruvous
Fangirl: A Novel by Rainbow Rowell.
Rainbow Rowell
- Janet Davitt “Fan Fiction, Plagiarism, and Copyright” (.pdf)
- Kirby Ferguson’s “Everything is a Remix” The Song Remains the Same, Remix Inc., Elements of Creativity, System Failure
- Kevin Nguyen's article "The Rainbow Rowell Theory of Fan Fiction" (.pdf)
- Rainbow Connection .pdf
- Kobo in Conversation with Rainbow Rowell
- Q&A with Rainbow Rowell (.pdf)
- Preview video for Fangirl in graphic novel form
Contributions to Lewis Carroll Writing Competition 2021 "The Missing Chapter" Examples of fan fiction.
Chip Kidd's Kidd's GO: Guide to Graphic Design
- Go: The book's Tumblr
- Official website of Chip Kidd
- Chip Kidd's TED talk
- Inside Random House: "The Art of Cover Design" with Chip Kidd and numerous publishing people. YouTube
- Book Cover Archive: Chip Kidd's book covers
- "Chip Kidd: Start Making Sense" by Julie Lasky. Oct. 16, 2013. The New York Times. he talks about writing his graphic design book for kids
- Q&A with Chip Kidd at Publisher's Weekly. Oct. 17, 2013.
- Brain Pickings by Maria Popov analyzes Go: Kidd's Guide to Graphic Design.
MixTape resources
- "How to Make a Perfect Mix Tape or CD" & Rob sheffield's "Tip 10 Tape Tips" (.pdf)
- Drew Gemmer's "Art of the Mix Tape." (.pdf)
- The Lost Art of the Mixtape. Blog with numerous mixtapes.
- Tips on creating a good mix tape: From the author of Love is a Mix Tape. From a blogger in the UK. Indie-dating ideas for creating a good mixtape. Wikihow: How to make a perfect mixtape or CD.
- Thurston Moore, of Sonic Youth, writes about creating good mix on NPR
- "The Hamilton Mixtape" with annotated lyrics
Teen Music
Elizabeth Acevedo's The Poet X
- Elizabeth Acevedo performs "Name"
- Elizabeth Acevedo's website
- Author of The Poet X, Elizabeth Acevedo accepts the 2018 National Book Award for YPL. video
- Elizabeth Acevedo reads from The Poet X. video
- Interview with Elizabeth Acevedo by CBC
Jia Tolentino’s Trick Mirror 
- PowerPoint for Trick Mirror
- "Drop Dead Gorgeous, Which is Finally Streaming, is Possibly My Favorite Movie of All Time" essay by Jia Tolentino
- Jia Tolentino's website and Instagram site
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Winter Dreams. F. Scott Fitzgerald's Life Remembered. a video
- A .pdf of a PowerPoint on Chapters 6-9 created by Anna Shapland, an ISU graduate student, for ENG 375.2
- PBS' American Masters: Meet F. Scott Fitzgerald. short video
- Images from 1920s and Fitzgerald's life, some WWI. Quick paced. YT 1:16 min
Films of Gatsby
- Party scene segment from 1974 film with people sharing rumors about Gatsby. 1:10 min
- Nick narrating about parties and at parties. Gatsby from 2000 with Paul Rudd and Mira Sorvino. YT 2:18 min
A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare
PowerPoint on A Midsummer's Night's Dream
Information about Shakespeare and A Midsummer's Night Dream
- If you don't have the book, read a .pdf here from the Folger Library. OR try this version which is annotated with definitions of words and clips of performances
- Folger Shakespeare Library. Comprehensive site devoted to Shakespeare. The Folger has extensive teaching ideas for each play and the sonnets
- Globe Theater production of A Midsummer's Night Dream in Summer 2021 includes detailed "Visual Story" .pdf explaining the play
Clips from performances of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and info about film versions
- Get Over It (2001 film) "Musical" version of Midsummer Night's Dream. "Get Over It" "Lucky" "Monologue"
- The Beatles do Shakespeare. The Beatles perform the Pyramus and Thisby sketch from Midsummer's Night Dream on the occassion of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth in 1964. Act V Scene 1. YouTube. 7.5 min
- Levis 501 jean ad based on Dream. YT 1 min
- BBC page on Midsummer Night's Dream with links to numerous performances
Comics and Graphic Novels for Teens
- Julie Bosman “To Lure `Twilight’ Teenagers, Classic Books Get Bold Looks”
- Dennis Abrams “Do Teens Judge Books by Their Covers? Do We Want Them To?”
Fast Forward and Kids + Money by Lauren Greenfield
- Lauren Greenfield's book Fast Forward, photographs of teenagers in Los Angeles. Watch this video as it goes through the book, page by page.
- Lauren Greenfield's documentary Kids + Money video of 14 min film on Vimeo. You will need to sign in to Vimeo to watch film for free. If you have an Amazon Prime account you may be able to watch it here: https://www.amazon.com/kids-money-Lauren-Greenfield/dp/B003B2PR2A
- article/video interviews on Kids + Money in The New York Times. December 13, 2007.
Angie Thomas’s The Hate U Give
- Angie Thomas's website
- Angie Thomas interviewed by the Chicago Humanties Festival. video. May 2018
- Angie Thomas talks with New York magazine's The Cut
- Angie Thomas speaks with NPR about The Hate U Give. February 26, 2017
Jarrett Kroscoczka Hey, Kiddo
Jarret Krosoczka's TED Talk "How a Boy Became an Artist"
Jarrett Krosoczka's website
Olivia Godoy's PowerPoint on Hey, Kiddo
Jarrett Krosoczka's 'Difficult Truths in Life and on the Page."
Looking for Alaska by John Green
- John Green's website, with Looking for Alaska page.
- John Green's tumblr site: Fishing Boat Proceeds. His Twitter site: @realjohngreen His Facebook site.
- John Green's " Does YA Mean Anything Anymore?" .pdf article from Hornbook,Nov./Dec. 2014 issue. the Zena Sutherland lecture
- Muscle Shoals Documentary trailer.
John Green's own videos
- on his senior prank at Indian Spring High School. YT 9 min. PG-13
- re-visits his high school Indian Springs. YT 3:41
- First day of NaNoWriMo YT 3:18
- 50 famous last words YT 3:48
- Looking After Alaska Five Years After the Printz Award YT 3:33
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury 
- The NEA's Big Read guide to Fahrenheit 451
- Ray Bradbury interview for NEA YouTube 22:19
- A Conversation with Ray Bradbury. YouTube. conducted at Point Loma Nazarene University. 2008
- Ray Bradbury on the origins of Fahrenheit 451. YouTube. 3:10
- Discussion with Ray Bradbury on Fahrenheit 451 in connection with film release. YT. 11:29
The following links are for books taught in previous ENG 375 classes.
Inside the Teenage Brain
- PBS Frontline show on "Inside the Teenage Brain" Links to website to view entire documentary and many other links
- "How Well Do You Know the Teen Brain?" Quiz from U.S. News (11/26/08)
- ABC News report on the teenage brain. (7/31/08)
- NIMH's The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction
- Interview on NPR: Frances Jensen on "Why Teens are Impulsive, Addiction-Prone, and Should Protect Their Brains" (1/28/2015)
Pleasantville. 1998.
- "Breakfast" from Pleasantville 1:17 clip on YouTube
- On a date, cruising in car, watching the world turn color with Etta James singing "At Last" You Tube. 4:50 min
High School Musical. 2006
- "We're All in this Together" with words. YouTube, a little grainy
- "Stick to the Status Quo" on YouTube
- "Get'cha Head in the Game" on YouTube. 2:25 min.
The Music Man. 1962
- "Ya Got Trouble in River City" from the film with Robert Preston
- Seth MacFarlane singing "Ya Got Trouble" at the BBC Proms in 2012
Glee. television show. 2010-2015
- Official Fox website for Glee
- Glee mash-ups "Stereohearts vs. Empire State of Mind" YT 3:12. "Start Me Up/Livin' on a Prayer"
- Glee tunes. "Summernights" (a la Grease).
- Tom Nugent's "Knock it Off: Glee's Jane Lynch got started at Illinois State." from the ISU Alumni Magazine. May 2011
- Vanity Fair magazine's continuing coverage of Glee, with emphasis on gay culture angle.
Bare Naked Ladies singing "Grade 9"
Bare Naked Ladies singing "Grade 9." a high school version
Freaks and Geeks. television show. 2001
Freaks and Geeks. a 2001 TV show
A TV series created by Paul Feig, with executive producer Judd Apatow. 2001.
- "He Died" clip from Freaks and Geeks. YouTube. 2 min.
- tv.com section on Freaks and Geeks
- PopMatters' overview of Freaks and Geeks
Examples of resources for paper on films for adolescents. In .pdf format. Film resources are about Soul Surfer.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Biographical videos on Fitzgerald
- PBS' American Masters documentary about Fitzgerald, here focusing on Gatsby. 10 min from PBS. Part 2 on YouTube focuses on Ginerva, Princeton and meeting Zelda. Part 4 Focuses on Jazz Age, going to Paris, thoughts on Gatsby, from YouTube. 9:56min
- "The Great American Dreamer" biography on Fitzgerald. This section focuses on Gatsby publication and meeting Hemingway in Paris. 9:55 min YT Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
- Good preview of BBC documentary on The Great Gatsby (1.5 min)
- F. Scott Fitzgerald at his desk in Paris (short)
- Midnight in Paris segment with Hemingway and Gatsby. 3:40 min
- Minnesota Stories: Fitzgerald's St. Paul 2:49 min.
- Short video of Fitzgerald's home in Montgomery, Alabama
- Blake Hazard, Fitzgerald's great-granddaughter sings a 1920s style tune at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul for Minnesota Public Radio
- Jay MacInerney on Fitzgerald in New York for BBC
- Eight Men Out (1988) trailer. 2 min
Films of Gatsby
- Party scene segment from 1974 film with people sharing rumors about Gatsby. 1:10 min (updated 5/15). Beginning to 1974 Gatsby film, introducing Nick and Daisy. 10 min from YT. Roger Ebert's review of the 1974 Great Gatsby film, particularly succinct on why it doesn't quite work. Nick narrating about parties and at parties. Gatsby from 2000 with Paul Rudd and Mira Sorvino. YT 2:18 min Trailer for "G" 2005 film of Gatsby updated with African-American actors and hip-hop sensibility. 2 min Production notes for Baz Luhrman's 2013 Gatsby starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan, in wikipedia with links to numerous articles
- Ain't We Got Fun by Toni Butler. YouTube
- "From Rappers to Flappers: 'The Great Gatsby's' Music Supervisor Breaks Down the Soundtrack" by Roy Trakin in The Hollywood Reporter (5/11/2013)
Teaching The Great Gatsby
- The Great Gatsby in 60 second recap. YT videos
- New York Times article on the trend of the new super rich in teen television shows (September 3, 2008)
Robert Redford and Mia Farrow in The Great Gatsby
- Lesson plans for teaching Gatsby from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
- Home that inspired Great Gatsby, Lands' End, is knocked down. CBS report 4/17/11
- The Literary Tourist visits Long Island, site of Gatsby's mansion and where Fitzgerald partied. Video is rather melancholy. YT 6:42 min
Inspired by Fitzgerald and Gatsby
- Calvin Klein ad using Fitzgerald text. Directed by David Lynch. YT 30 sec
- Will Thwaites' "Daisy's Lullaby (The Great Gatsby Rap)" YT 5:26 min
- "It's the Great Gatsby, Charlie Brown." Daily Show on controversy of putting Peanuts sculptures in St. Paul near Fitzgerald sculpture (1/5/05)
- Great Gatsby game, originally for Nintendo Game Boy, now playable online.
Films, now on YouTube, from 1920s. Immerse yourself in the Jazz Age
- Images from 1920s and Fitzgerald's life, some WWI. Quick paced. YT 1:16 min
original cover for The Great Gatsby
- Films of people in 1920s Jazz Age. YT 2 min.
- Driving around New York city in 1928. YT. 5:11 min.
- Nick Lucas plays ukelele in 1929. Singing "Lady Luck"
- Winnie Lightner sings a crazy song, Pingo Pongo from 1929. YT 1:6
Kate Hudson in Harper's Bazaar photo essay based on Gatsby
Hamilton: An American Musical. created by Lin-Manuel Miranda
Lyrics to Hamilton with detailed annotations (from genius.com)
"The Schuyler Sisters" performed from Hamilton on The New York Times site.
Complete Hamilton soundtrack. including "Alexander Hamilton" song with lyrics. video
"The Hamilton Mixtape"
- All Songs Considered, from NPR, reports on the mixtape with two videos
- "The Hamilton Mixtape" with annotated lyrics
"Spamilton: An American Parody"
Lin-Manuel Miranda interviewed on CBS Sunday Morning
Miranda talks about Hamilton on PBS Newshour
Selections from Hamilton performed at 2016 Tony awards
In 2009, Lin-Manuel Miranda performs a piece from his work-in-progress "Hamilton" at the White House
Millenials: The Musical. A Lin-Manuel Miranda/The Rock production.
A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare

Information about Shakespeare and A Midsummer's Night Dream
- Folger Shakespeare Library. Comprehensive site devoted to Shakespeare. The Folger has extensive teaching ideas for each play and the sonnets. Here's the link to those for the Dream play Link to images about the Dream play
- General information about A Midsummer Night's Dream, including text, character info, etc.The Globe Theater in England
Clips from performances of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and info about film versions
- The Beatles do Shakespeare. The Beatles perform the Pyramus and Thisby sketch from Midsummer's Night Dream on the occassion of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth in 1964. Act V Scene 1. YouTube. 7.5 min
- Levis 501 jean ad based on Dream. YT 1 min
- Get Over It (2001 film) "Musical" version of Midsummer Night's Dream . YouTube 4:23 min.
- Selections from the Shakespeare play as presented in the film Get Over It on YouTube
- Midsummer's version with Helen Mirren & Diana Rigg. Act 2. YT 6:36 min And from same production Act 3. YT 10 min. And Judi Dench playing Titania waking up to fall in love with Bottom. YT 8 min
- 1981 TV version with Helen Mirren as Titania. Act 2, scene 1 the fairy queen and the fairies. YT 8:37 min.
- High school kids doing segment from Dream on players getting parts for play. Well done. YouTube 6:43 min.
- Footsbarn Theater in Cornwall doing a Fairy song. YT 1:48min. Creepy cool.
- Animated Disney version with Mickey and Donald. Part 1. 1999. YT 6:47 min.
- BBC Shakespeare Animated version. Part 1 from Dream. 10:21 min.
- Staging Magic, theater people discuss developing Dream. YT. Part 1 10:54 min. Part 2. Part 3 focusing on Thisbee.
- The great 1999 film version is difficult to find YT clips. Here are scenes performed in that by Christian Bale. YT 9:02 min.
- IMDB link to A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999) starring Kevin Kline, Calista Flockhart & Rupert Ever
- The BBC did several contemporary adaptations of Shakespeare's play. Link to the 2005 updated Dream
- Teaching ideas for playing, comparing Midsummer to Romeo & Juliet
- IMDB link to Get Over It (2001) starring Kirsten Dunst
- In 1999 Charlie Rose interviewed Kevin Kline on his role in Midsummer film. Scroll beyond Henry Kissinger interview to about 41 minutes into interview. YouTube
Kevin Kline, Calista Flockart and Rupert Evertt in 1999 film version
Diana Rigg in 1968 Midsummer film
Angie Thomas's The Hate U Give
Angie Thomas's website
Information about the 2018 film The Hate U Give, based on the book
Interview with Angie Thomas in The Guardian January 27, 2019.
Jarrett Krosoczka's Hey, Kiddo
Looking for Alaska by John Green
John Green's website, with Looking for Alaska page.
John Green's tumblr site: Fishing Boat Proceeds. His Twitter site: @realjohngreen His Facebook site.
John Green's " Does YA Mean Anything Anymore?" .pdf article from Hornbook,Nov./Dec. 2014 issue. the Zena Sutherland lecture
Muscle Shoals Documentary trailer.
John Green's own videos
- on his senior prank at Indian Spring High School. YT 9 min. PG-13
- re-visits his high school Indian Springs. YT 3:41
- First day of NaNoWriMo YT 3:18
- 50 famous last words YT 3:48
- Looking After Alaska Five Years After the Printz Award YT 3:33
- these are just a few. He is a prolific YT blogger
Fanmade trailer. YouTube
Favorite quotes for book videos. First video 1:44 Second video. 1:21
Looking for Alaska has been banned by some organizations: Publisher's Weekly. School Library Journal. Green's video response "I Am Not a Pornographer."
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
The NEA's Big Read guide to Fahrenheit 451
Ray Bradbury interview for NEA YouTube 22:19
A Conversation with Ray Bradbury. YouTube. conducted at Point Loma Nazarene University. 2008
Ray Bradbury on the origins of Fahrenheit 451. YouTube. 3:10
Discussion with Ray Bradbury on Fahrenheit 451 in connection with film release. YT. 11:29
The following books currently are not being taught in ENG 375, but have been taught previously and continue to interest adolescent readers.
Tavi Gevinson and Rookie magazine
- "What Instagram did to me" New York magazine. Sept. 16, 2019
- "At 18, Tavi Gevinson is a Fashion Veteran - and a Broadway Rookie" (link to .pdf document)New York Magazine. Aug 10, 2014. Link to article on website
- Rookie magazine
- TOC of Rookie Yearbook One
- Quotes from Rookie Yearbook (.pdf)
- Rookie on Tumblr
- Rookie on Twitter
- Chicago Tribune article on Oct. 2, 2011 (.pdf)
- "The Oracle of Girl World" New York Times article. July 27, 2012 by Michael Schulman
- "Tavi Forever" June 6, 2014
- "How to Start a Blog"
- "Teenage Disconnect and the Virgin Suicides" by Tavi Gevinson for NPR. 12/26/12
- "Tavi Says" by Lizzie Widdicombe. The New Yorker. 9/20/10
- Tavi Gevinson's blog post from 8/4/13
- "Nostalgic is Magic: Tavi Gevinson remixes teen culture" by Hunter Oatman-Stanford. 11/28/12
- "Tavi Gevinson: A Power Teen's New Direction" by Alex Morris. Rolling Stone Aug. 14, 2014
- Teaching Jimmy Fallon how to do a bitchface.
- StyleLikeU includes video with Tavi, photos, and text.
- The Makers Tavi Gevinson video.
- The Unpredictability of Gen Y. Vimeo video 10:58. Tavi speaking at the L2 Generation Next Forum 2010.
- TEDxTeen "A Teen Just Trying to Figure It Out." March 2012
- YouTube: "Still Figuring it Out" TEDx talk
- Hazel Cillis's "Tavi Takes Over the World" from Nylon magazine 2014
John Lewis March: Book One
Martin Luther King, Jr., The Montgomery Story.1956 comic book:
- This is a page-by-page website of the comic book
- This is a .pdf document on the comic book
- Short video about the creation of the comic book on YouTube
March, Book One. The book's publisher, Top Shelf, has created a website for the book with numerous links.
Videos related to March: Book One
- Comic Book Educational Video from the 1950s
- Selma, official trailer for the film.
- "The Comic Book that Changed the World" with Andrew Aydin at the Durham County Library. Oct. 26, 2014. (1 hr)
- John Lewis Selma Full Speech 50 years later. March 7, 2015
Teen Films/Teens in Films
- Freda Moon's "The Teen Streets of John Hughes's Chicago." from The International New York Times. Dec. 17, 2014
- Top 10 Greatest Teen Movies from Watchmojo
- Top 10 Coming of Ages Films from Watchmojo
- Total film guide to 50 Best Teen Movies. European influenced, but has a lot
- BuzzFeed's Ranking of 27 Teen films from the 00's.
Grease. 1978 film.
- "You're the One that I Want" end duet with Travolta and Newton John when her character is transformed. YouTube video 2:30 min
"Greased Lightin'" from 1978 movie. YouTube video. 3 min.
"Summer Nights' " with Travolta-Newton John music, acted out through Legos. YouTube video 3:57 min
Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn & David Levithian
from Nick & Norah 2008 film
- Official site of the book from Random House with interviews from both authors.
- Includes Rachel Cohn's playlist for Nora and ideas for creating your own playlist.
- Authors talk about writing book in QuickTime audio/mp3
Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
- Official site of the 2008 film, Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, from Sony Pictures
- Link to Sound Opinions, radio show from American Public Radio, on rock and roll music. Heard locally on WGLT 89.1 on Saturday mornings at 11 a.m. Features rock critics from the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times. Also available as a podcast.
- Official Apple Corp Beatles site. Official site of The Beatles Rock Band
- "I Want to Hold Your Hand" video of The Beatles singing their hit. YouTube video. 2:47 min.
- A few straight edge websites. straight-edge.net: the commitment for life network. Straight edge lifestyle. BBC guide to straight edge philosophy
- A perspective of Jewish American Princess from The Michigan Daily. And another perspective from jewschool.com
clips from the film
- from the film "This is My Song/Dance" YT 1:12 min
- toward the end when old lovers encounter each other and there's a fight. YT 4:43 min.
- "Would you be my boyfriend for 5 minutes" First kiss scene. YT 1:52 min
- "You Haven't Figured It Out Yet/ I want to hold your hand" YT 1:15 min
- "I'm Not Jealous" YT 1 min
- "Turkey Sandwich" YT 1:26 min
- "How to Make a Perfect Mix Tape or CD" & Rob sheffield's "Tip 10 Tape Tips" (.pdf)
- Drew Gemmer's "Art of the Mix Tape." (.pdf)
- Link to the 8tracks website
- Link to Spotify. To use, you will need a free account.
- The Lost Art of the Mixtape. Blog with numerous mixtapes.
- Hugh Willett's Art of the Mix website.
- Tips on creating a good mix tape: From the author of Love is a Mix Tape. From a blogger in the UK. Indie-dating ideas for creating a good mixtape. Wikihow: How to make a perfect mixtape or CD.
- Thurston Moore, of Sonic Youth, writes about creating good mix on NPR site
- 52 Mix Tapes blog
Queercore links.
Pansy Division documentary poster."We are Queercore" a Jan. 4, 2007 review of retrospective exhibit on queercore in Montreal on Canadian gay site.
- DragKing's hodge podge of Queercore, Riot Grrrrl, B-Girl and Women's Web Linkz: Comprehensive site with brief interviews, lots of links, band info, etc.
- Queercore heritage website
Summer 2015 music links
Taylor Swift
- "Bad Blood" video and "Bad Blood" video with annotations by Washington Post and article "What Taylor Swift's Bad Blood music video actually says about power in Hollywood" by Emily Yahr
- "Fifteen" video
- "I Knew You Were Trouble" video
- "We Are Never Getting Back Together" video
- Taylor Swift explains she has a gnarly glue gun scar on Jimmy Falon and about her alter ego Natalie who creates with popsicle sticks. Taylor as Natalie short video. 13-year-old Natalie on "Ew" (Jimmy Fallon and Taylor Swift)
- "Run the World (Girls)" video
- "Flawless" featuring Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. video
- "Flawless" with Nicki Minaj. Performed Live at VMAs in 2014 Filmed at Coachella video quality is ok. Performed Live in Paris in 2014
- "Pretty Hurts" video
- "Partition" 'clean' video. "Partition" with lyrics, no images
- "Royals" U.S. version video. Performed live on Letterman.
- Video Lorde discussing what it was like to be on Letterman
- "Team" video
- Lorde explains how she was Taylor Swift's manager for a night. on Jimmy Fallon's show
One Direction. "You Don't Know You're Beautiful" video of a live performance.
Kayne West.
- Kayne West's Fashion Forays: Hits, Flops & Other. on Bloomberg by Kyle Stock 12/5/13
- "I Am God" video from Yeezus.
- "Black Skinhead" video from Yeezus
- Kanye talks to Time magazine about why he doesn't care about his legacy
Kayne's Nike Air Yeezzy IIs. Click on photo for more info.
Music Links
- "It's Only Rock and Roll" Rolling Stones original video. YouTube
- "I'm Shakin'" Jack White's official video version. YouTube
- Seth McFarlane concert at the Proms on YT. "Music is Better Than Words" (3:30 min) and "You're the Cream in My Coffee" (2:37 min)
- "Girl from Ipanema" Astrud Girlberto singing, Stan Getz on sax, in 1964 film Get Yourself a College Girl. Youtube video. 2:58 min. from 1964 album Getz/Gilberto by Stan Getz & João Gilberto. Classic!
- Prangstgrup - Reach! A Lecture Musical. YouTube. 3:07.
- Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio
- Jimmy Page in 1957 playing in a skiffle band on English tv. Great interview of the high schoolers by the host. YT. 6:27 min
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Scenes from 1962 Academy Award winning film adaptation of To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee in Monroeville, All Men are Created Equal. Clip YT. 3:16
- What Kind of Man Are you? video clip from film (6/15)
- Scout Meets Boo Radley. clip from film (6/15)
- Atticus Cross Examines Mayella. clip from film (6/15)
- Atticus' Closing Statement. clip from film (6/15)
- "How old were you when you got a gun?" short segment (works 6/15)
- End of play version by Center High School Theater. YT 16:30 min
Related videos
- My Trip: Monroeville. YT. 10:51 min. Great!
- Bibliomania: Monroeville and Harper Lee. YT 7:35 min
- Open by "Mrs Dubose" YT 2:23 min
- Scout by "Mrs Dubose" YT 2:22 min
- Quick video of Harper Lee accepting award. YT. 13 sec
- Jim Crow Laws and TKM. Video for an English class project explaining the laws, connecting with the book. YT 3:08 min
Information and news about Harper Lee, TKM, and teaching TKM
- Wayne Flint's article "Don't Shoot the Mockingbird" in the Birmingham News July 11, 2010 (.pdf format)
- National Endowment for the Arts guide to TKM
- TKM teacher's guide, using the DVD
- TKM: Student Survival Guide. Overview of chapter and vocabulary defined.
- Smithsonian magazine interviews Harper Lee 50 years after publication of To Kill a Mockingbird.
- The Telegraph contemplates the literary merits of TKM in 2010.
- Play performance of TKM cancelled in Ohio May 2011 because of racial slurs.
- The Vermont Reads 2011 book is TKM and Vermont Public Radio devotes a week to articles about TKM and race, diversity and inclusiveness and Vermont
- Learning etiquette lessons in Utah from studying TKM in school
- Website for 2011 documentary Hey, Boo: Harper Lee and 'To Kill a Mockingbird' and First Run Films' site on the documentary
John Lewis March: Book One
Martin Luther King, Jr., The Montgomery Story.1956 comic book:
- This is a page-by-page website of the comic book
- This is a .pdf document on the comic book
- Short video about the creation of the comic book on YouTube
March, Book One. The book's publisher, Top Shelf, has created a website for the book with numerous links.
Videos related to March: Book One
- Comic Book Educational Video from the 1950s
- Selma, official trailer for the film.
- "The Comic Book that Changed the World" with Andrew Aydin at the Durham County Library. Oct. 26, 2014. (1 hr)
- John Lewis Selma Full Speech 50 years later. March 7, 2015
- John Lewis: The Civil Rights Movement From Freedom Rider to Congressman. An interview on C-Span in 2013.
- Martin Luther King, Jr., "I Have a Dream" speech at the Washington Monument
- March: Book One at Comic Con. A 5-min TV report on KPBS.
Article and interview about March, Book One, on NPR. Aug 31, 2013
Good review of the book by Robert Kirby on Comics Journal website
John Lewis, in a YouTube video, talk about the book at Politics and Prose bookshop in Washington, D.C.
In the article "Congressman John Lewis readies 'March' sequel" from Creative Loafing in Atlanta July 24, 2014 the congressman, his aide and the graphic novel's creator discuss the surprising success of the first book and what they plan for the sequel.
Music with romantic or break-up lyrics, YouTube videos.
- "Just Kidding, Love Sucks: Notes on Taylor Swift" by Tavi Gevinson in The Believer, Sept. 2014
- Bright Eyes "First Day of My Life" YT
- Hedwig and The Angry Itch "The Origin of Love" YT
- Adele "Rolling in the Deep" YT
- Joni Mitchell "The Last Time I Saw Richard" YT She starts singing 1 min in. Nice fan video version created in Animoto.
- Joni Mitchell "A Case of You" YT Another Animoto video. She sings it live in 1974 on a BBC tv show.
- "The Way You Look Tonight" Frank Sinatra singing. Michael Buble singing it live, in studio. Tony Bennett and Faith Hill singing it live, in studio. Tony Bennett singing with Bil Charlap. Professional wedding video using Rod Stewart singing the song as a background. Sarah Jessica Parker sings it on Glee. Nat King Cole sings it live. Hutch Hutchinson sings it in 1936.
- Bob Dylan "Don't Think Twice" Performing song live with Eric Clapton on vidivodo. 4 min. Peter, Paul and Mary singing it live 1970 Australian tour. YT 3:30 min John Mayer doing it in concert 2010 YT 4:17 Mad Men, Season 1 ending closes with Dylan tune at about 2 min YT
Eisenstaedt's V-J Day Kiss. Click on photo for bigger image, story about photo
- Amy Rigby "20 Questions" Lyrics only.
- "As Time Goes By" from Casablanca, 1942.
- Nirvana "Smells Like Teen Spirit". YT 4:39 min. 1991
- Leonard Cohen "So Long Marianne" from 2008 London concert.
- Suzanne Vega "Tom's Diner."
- Michelle Shocked "Anchorage" YT 3:37 min.
- Bruce Springsteen "Candy's Room" video slightly fuzzy from 1978 in Passaic, NJ, but right mood.
- Anna McGarrigle "Heart Like a Wheel" video is from a Rufus Wainwright 2008 concert when he invited his mom and aunt (Kate & Anna McGarrigle) up to sing. Song doesn't start until 1+ min in, but great song.
- Modern English "I Melt With You" live video not too romantic, but sounds great in film soundtracks. Bowling for Soup's version from Sky High 2005 Disney film
- Justin Timberlake "What Goes Around..Comes Around" YT. Extended video with Scarlett Johannson
- The It's All Pink website round-up of romantic and break-up tunes.
- "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash. 1963 video. He was married to Vivian, but he wrote this song supposedly with June Carter, of the famous Carter family. He later married June. Vivian, however, disputes this story and says that Johnny Cash wrote this while drunk. Hmm. "Ring of Fire covered by ColdPlay and Social Distortion
Roundup of The Beatles links
- "I Want to Hold Your Hand" video of The Beatles singing their hit. YouTube video. 2:47 min.
- "Something" Beatles 1969. YT 3 min
- Eric Clapton "Layla" from The Prince's Trust concert 1988 "Layla" was written for Patti Boyd, who's George Harrison's wife in the "Something" video. "Layla" in concert with Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page & Jeff Beck
- The Beatles do Shakespeare. The Beatles perform the Pyramus and Thisby sketch from Midsummer's Night Dream on the occassion of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth in 1964. Act V Scene 1. YouTube. 7.5 min
- Linking The Beatles to Lewis Carroll, "The Walrus and the carpenter." Also Carroll links in "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" references
What My Mother Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones
Sonya Sones Brief essay on "Le Bal a Bougival "by Princeton University art instructor
Suzanne Valadon wikipedia entry. Another short bio on Valadon Renoir site.
- Official website from Sonya Sones
- Video of Sonya Sones talking about What My Mother... and What My Girlfriend... YT 4:54min speaking for audiences in Sweden
- Video interview of Sonya Sones by readergirlz diva Justina Chen Headley. Focuses on followup book to What My Mother Doesn't Know. YT. 4min
- What My Mother Doesn't Know on Books4Teens, good overall site from University of Texas at Austin with teaching ideas and links.
- Poetry 180. A poem a day for American high schools, organized by the Library of Congress and coordinated by Billy Collins, former poet laureate of the U.S. Lots of great contemporary poems here.
- Writer's Almanac. From Minnesota Public Radio and Garrison Keillor, a short daily radio segment highlighting a poem and notes about authors.
- Songs My Teacher Taught Me. Lesson plans for teaching poetry in grades 9-12 from the Academy of American Poets
- More novels in poetry form, from American Library Association.
- YoungPoets.ca A Canadian site encouraging teaching and writing of poetry by young people.
Music and videos related to book
- Video of kiss with Spiderman hanging upside down and MJ. YT
- "The First Cut is the Deepest" video with old stills. by Cat Stevens. Sheryl Crow sings it live.
- "Passionate Kisses" performed by Mary Chapin Carpenter. Performed by songwriter Lucinda Williams. Dawson and Joey from Dawson's Creek with "Passionate Kisses" in the back.
- Betty Everett "Shoop Shoop Song: It's in His Kiss" Cher singing it in Mermaids
Chip Kidd's Kidd's GO: Guide to Graphic Design
- Official website of Chip Kidd
- Go: The book's Tumblr
- Chip Kidd's TED talk
- Inside Random House: "The Art of Cover Design" with Chip Kidd and numerous publishing people. YouTube
- Book Cover Archive: Chip Kidd's book covers
- "Chip Kidd: Start Making Sense" by Julie Lasky. Oct. 16, 2013. The New York Times. he talks about writing his graphic design book for kids
- Q&A with Chip Kidd at Publisher's Weekly. Oct. 17, 2013.
- Brain Pickings by Maria Popov analyzes Go: Kidd's Guide to Graphic Design.
- Chip Kidd guests DJ playlist at KCRW
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Articles related to The Hunger Games
- "Fresh Hell: What's Behind the Boom in Dystopian Fiction for Young Readers" by Laura Miller (in .pdf format)
- "Scary World" by John Green article on The Hunger Games and The Dead and the Gone in the The New York Times Magazine Nov. 2008.
- "Suzanne Collins's War Stories for Kids" by Suzanne Dominus from The New York Times April 8, 2011 (in .pdf format)
- "The Dark Side of Young Adult Fiction" critics debate The Hunger Games and related novels on the The New York Times website in Dec. 2010
The Hunger Games book cover in German edition
Suzanne Collins's website
Scholastic's teacher's guide to The Hunger Games
Videos on YouTube connected to studying The Hunger Games
- Suzanne Collins answers questions about The Hunger Games trilogy
- Interview with Suzanne Collins. "Classical Inspiration" (1:30) "Contemporary Inspiration" (1:13) "Desensitization" (1:21)
- The Hunger Games trailers for 2012 film. Nov. 2011 trailer. Sept. 2011trailer. [Fan site with regular updates for Hunger Games film]
- Official Trailer for second film Catching Fire out in fall 2013.
- Battle Royal. Japanese film adaptation of the book: Trailer with Englishsubtitles (1:39). Fanmade trailer hypothesizing Battle Royal for American audiences (1 min)
- The Truman Show. Trailer (2:30 min) Edited into 10 min highlights.
- The Chocolate War. Trailer for film based on Robert Cormier's book
- Gladiator. Trailer for the film. (1:26)
- "I'm Spartacus": famous scene from Spartacus (1960) with Kirk Douglas (2:16)
Map of Panem, a teacher's detailed analysis of the US map as re-imagined in the Hunger Games series
" 'The Hunger-Games':popular, violent, and rated PG-13" Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article (March 2011) questions violence in book and upcoming film
The Hunger Games wikia with 285 pages
A Hunger Games map (click to bigger map)
Hunger Games map (click to bigger map)
Resources on adolescent culture
Books R4 Teens. University of Texas site about books for adolescents with links and lesson plans.
Children Now! California and the Kaiser Foundation report on issues relating to children and teens. Many links, many reports. Thought-provoking."Generations 2010" report from Pew Research Center's Pew Internet & American Life Project. Dec. 16, 2010
The Rise and Fall of the American Teenager by Thomas Hine. website for author.
"Time Frames: Youth." selected articles from Time magazine about teen culture from 1947-2006.
"The Transformation of American Youth: From Teenager to Teenagent" by Marian Salzman. Huffington Post. May 12, 2010.
Generation M2
Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-12 year olds" a report from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Use the link to go to the website and then download the report in .pdf format Also, Go to the 5 minute video on the report
American Library Association's Banned Book materials
ALA's Banned & Challenged Book site
ALA's Frequently Challenged Books lists
Banned Books Week official website
InfoPlease information on banned books, edited for children
Jan Susina reading at 2009 Banned Books reading sponsored by ISU Milner Library. YouTube video
"A Library's Approach to Books that Offend" Article from The New York Times (Aug. 19, 2009) on how the Brooklyn Public Library handles requests for book censorship. Includes link to .pdf document showing patron's requests and the library's response to specific books and other media. Article focuses on Tin-Tin.
American Born Chinese by Gene Yang
- Gene Yang video (on YouTube) talking about American Born Chinese. Created by America.gov. Well done & informative. 2:35 min.
- The Graphic Classroom's thoughtful review of American Born Chinese with ideas for teaching it.
- Monkey King with Jackie Chan and Jet Li. YouTube video 8 min.
- Gene Yang's website HumbleComics
- Weblog of First Second, publisher of American Born Chinese, as well as others including Prince of Persia, Sardine in Outer Space, The Lost Colony, and Alan's War
- NPR interview with Gene Yang (1/23/08)
- American Born Chinese Book Trailer (YouTube 1:55)
- Life of an A.B.C.: "American Born Chinese" (YouTube 4:48)
- Hooden Utilitarian comics blog analyzing issues of race and racism in Yang's book. Good to see comparison of Yang's drawings with a Journey to the West story in a Chinese comic with The Monkey King. Also explains partially Yang's frustration with syndicated political cartoonist Patrick Oliphant.
- Teaching ideas for American Born Chinese with lots of links to understanding Chinese experience in the United States as well as how to validate comics as literature. From Sirpa Gierson's Novelinks.com
- Lesson plans for teaching American Born Chinese in high school classroom from Stephen Cary's Going Graphic: Comcis at work in the Multicultural Classroom. on FirstSecond's website.
- Back Dormitory Boys. BDB's VBlog on YouTube. BDB's Chinese website. BDB's web blog
- William Hung's audition on American Idol. From the TV show with introduction and then him singing "She Bang, She Bang." YouTube. 1:42 min.
- An overview of graphic novels by Peter Schjeldahl in The New Yorker. Oct. 17, 2005.
Jenna Marbles
"The Woman with 1 Billion Clicks, Jenna Marbles" by Amy O'Leary in The New York Times. April 12, 2013.
"Jenna Marbles Answers Questions from The New York Times" YouTube video 2:45 min
Jenna Marbles' YouTube site. one of her videos is "Things Girls Lie About"
Weetzie Bat by Francesca Lia Block
- Official Francesca Lia Block website
- Francesca Lia on My Space Block's blog
- Interview with Francesca Lia Block at Teen Read
Francesca Lia BlocInterview with Francesca Lia Block by the LA Times, Nov. 2008
- Article about Block in New York Times Feb. 2005
- Notes on the real Witch House in Beverly Hills
- Link to Jan Susina's essay about Weetzie Bat in Marvels & Tales (needs entry to Project Muse to read entire piece)
- Suza Scalora, photogapher, website
Videos and music related to Weetzie Bat
- Forbidden Planet trailer on YouTube. 3:20 min
- "I Love LA" by Randy Newman. YT 3:52 min
- "LA Woman" by The Doors YT 7:52 min
- Madonna "Material World" 1985 video on YouTube.
- Montage from Lost Horizon (1937) "Welcome to Shangri-La" with music by Steve Tibbets. YT 1:19 min
- Script reading for Weetzie Bat and the Dangerous Angel in bookstore with Block. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 YT videos about 11 min each And video based on film outtakes. 5 min Production and Design photos for film Block's notes on scriptwriting
- Fan video inspired by Francesca Lia Block. YT 2:14 mi
The Hollywood sign today
The longer HollywoodLand sign before it was shortened in 1945
Witch House in Beverly Hills in 2011 (Photo: J Susina)
Hobbit House photo from LA Times article
LA Times article on Hobbit Houses, from January 2005
Jayne Mansfield
Poster from Frank Capra's 1937 Lost Horizon
Twiggy, a 1960s British fashion model
Fast Forward and Kids + Money by Lauren Greenfield
- Lauren Greenfield's Fast Forward, photographs of teenagers in Los Angeles
- Lauren Greenfield's documentary Kids + Money video of 14 min film on NY Times site
- article on Kids + Money
Cathy's Book by Sean Stewart & Jordan Weisman
- "Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-12 year olds" a report from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Use the link to go to the website and then download the report in .pdf format Also, Go to the 5 minute video on the report
- Sean Stewart's website: Beyond the Fourth Wall
- TEDX Edmonton. Sean Stewart. Bard 5.0: Evolution of Storytelling. video
- Cathy's Book. website. Sean Stewart information on book.
- Cathy's Book on YouTube
- Cathy's Book App, explained on YouTube. Long Demo of the App on YouTube
- Cathy's Ring, video.
- Review of Cathy's Book by a developer interested in text & play
- Links to interactive book connections for kids and adolescents, on Reading 2.0 wiki
- Cathy's Book. Act I. ) Act II. Act III. Interactive material (requires Flash
- Cathy's Book interactive map (requires Flash)
- Cathy's Book Primer, a .pdf guide to the book
- Museé Mecanique in San Francisco. A YouTube video tour (8 min)
- Information about the Eight Immortals. More information about the Eight Immortals, with more images. From the Nations Online website: "In Chinese mythology the Eight Immortals (Chinese: 八仙; pinyin: Bāxiān; Wade-Giles: Pa-hsien) are a group of legendary "xian" (spiritually and/or physically immortal; transcendent; super-human; celestial beings.)"
Marc Chagall. Cemetery Gates. 1917.
"The Cool Hunt" by Malcolm Gladwell
- "The Cool Hunt" a .pdf version of Malcolm Gladwell's article printed in The New Yorker March 17, 1997
- Malcolm Gladwell's website
- PBS Frontline: The Merchants of Cool
- PBS Frontline: The Merchants of Cool video in avi. format on Google video
- The Merchants of Cool -- Transcript of entire program
- Places to buy cool shoes in 2011. Tilly's. PacSun. Hot Topic. Zumiez. Journeys.
Articles to Read
- "The Gossip Mill," An article about Alloy Entertainment marketing literature to teens by Rebecca Mead in The New Yorker. Oct. 19, 2009. Article in .pdf format OR link to article on The New Yorker website
- Reading habits of teens and tweens article from Nov. 1, 2010 Washington Post
Walden Pond and "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"
Walden Pond today
"Walden" an essay by E. B. White, from his collection of esays One Man's Meat, in pdf format
Link to C-Span video of President Obama giving the address to school children Sept. 9, 2009
Walden quotation posters
Section One. Click to open .pdf document of class posters. May take awhile to download.
Section Two. Click to open .pdf document of class posters. May take awhile to download
Links to Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birmingham Jail letter
- Text of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"
- The King Center page on the "Letter." Includes audio of King reading the letter and a .pdf version of letter
- Harper's magazine with excerpt and commentary of the "Letter" with notes on King as a speaker
- Segment from documentary about King's experience writing the "Letter" YouTube 1:30 min
Links to sites related to Walden and Henry David Thoreau
- Walden Pond State Reservation Park in Massachusetts. official site.
- Comprehensive site for Walden resources
- Build a paper replica of Thoreau's cabin
- Walden Woods Conservation Project
- NPR site on Walden Pond with links and image
Henry David Thoreau
"Thoreau's Cove" photo about 1900
A 1908 postcard showing the site of Thoreau's house
A replica of Thoreau's one-room house at Walden Pon
Walden Pond map from Thoreau's childhood. click on image for bigger size
Thoreau quoations
Go to this Slideshare presentation of selected posters based on Thoreau's writing.
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
"What Girls Want: A Series of Vampire Novels Illuminates the Complexities of Female Adolescent Desire" by Caitlin Flanagan. The Atlantic. Dec. 2008. Article in .pdf
- Stephenie Meyer's official website
- Twilight Guy website, one guy's perspective on Twilight phenomenon
- A Twilight trivia blog. Can you answer the questions?
- A Mormon author's perspective on Twilight books and Meyer as a Mormon. Thoughtful
- Elementary/ jr. high teachers discuss Twilight. Leads into how certain successful books bring kids to become better readers (Nancy Drew, Brian Jacques & Rick Riordan noted as well)
- A 23-page .pdf document on teaching a unit using Twilight. The lesson plan came from this blog, Twilight Novel Novice, which features many comments of teachers talking about using Twilight in the classroom.
Stefenie Meyer
- Christian Science Monitor asks the question of why Twilight is so popular (from Nov. 11, 2008).
- "Touched by a vampire." Laura Miller discuss the Twilight phenomenon on Salon on July 30, 2008 when the fourth book was published. Features 123 comments.
- A few popular Twilight blogs: TwilighersAnonymous.com Bella's Diary (a continuing saga written by a fan). Letters to Twilight (somewhat irreverent fans on Twilight gossip from all over).
- Blogs and notes comparing Dracula vs. Twilight. Youthvoices blog. ComicsAlliance.com's mashup of Dracula, Twilight & X-Men. Cracked.com's rather informative history on vampires. Twilight blog comparison of films
Edward Hicks's Peaceable Kingdom Click on image for link to larger image and information on Hicks
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
- Tom's Diner." Suzanne Vega singing her hit. YouTube
- "Mix Tape." Soundtrack from Avenue Q with images. YouTube. 3:41.
- PostSecrets. PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people
- mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard.
- PostCards Anonymous. Similar to PostSecrets. A blogsite based in Vermont which posts postcards with people's secret messages.
- Interview with Frank Warren about why he started PostSecrets in 2005. from the Guardian UK
- Books R4 Teens review with links and lesson plans for Wallflower (from Univ of Texas-Austin)
- YA Reviews: Good overview and review site. Includes links to films and books mentioned in Wallflower and many links relating to topics in the book and book banning. from yareviews.wikispaces.com
- 10 questions for Chbosky, here highlighted for writing the Rent
- An Interview with Chbosky on the Milwaukee case of trying to ban the book and banning in other school districts. thoughtful
- Listen free to the entire first chapter from Audible.com, in recognition of Banned Books Week
- Mashup video with Smith's "Sing Me to Asleep" with text and related imagery from Wallflower. YouTube 4 min.
- Rocky Horror Pictureshow, good fan website
- Quizilla.com questionnaire: "Which character are you from Perks of Being a Wallflower"?
- Information on American Library Association's Banned Books Week 2008
Wicked, the novel. Wicked, the Broadway Play. 2008 course
The Wizard of OzHistorical photos of Oz and its creators. Click on each image for larger images. From the website "Oz Central," run by managers of the Baum family trust.
- W.W. Denslow's images for original Wizard of Oz (on Embracing the Child website)
- Good site that answers lots of those burning questions about the film and book. Explains and debunks some of the urban legends. thewizardofoz.info
- Teacher resource page with links to all the Oz books available via Project Gutenberg. From the Internet School Media Library Resource.
- G. Maguire's official website with info about Wicked and his other books
- Good overall site for links and study info about Wicked the Musical
- Absinthe at the Virtual Museum
- "Popular" with Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzel. Good version YouTube. 4.56 min.
- "For Good." Kristen Chenoweth singing by herself the song from Wicked in a concert with the Boston Pops. YouTube. 4:08 min.
- "For Good." decent bootleg of last Broadway show of Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzel. You Tube. 6 min.
- Chenoweth and Menzel rehearsing "For Good" from PBS documentary about Broadway.
- "Wonderful" Megan Hilty's final Broadway performance. YouTube. 10
min segment
- "Wonderful" shorter segment, amateur production but good and focused. YouTube. 2:54 min.
- YouTube. "Defying Gravity" Idina Menzel and Kristen Chenoweth recreating their Broadway song from "Wicked" on TV awards show.
- YouTube. Idina Menzel being 'greenified' and talking about her character. 7 min.
- YouTube. Documentary on Broadway. This segment on the making of Wicked the Musical, narrated by Julie Andrews. about 6 min.
- YouTube. Idina Menzel and Kristen Chenoweth interviewed on NBC's Today Show Nov. 2003.
- YouTube. Video about Wicked which combines background and short selections from Wicked, the novel, and segments from the musical adaptation. from educational video series on Oz. Reading of novel has good illustrations.
- Gregory Maguire and Susan Cooper talk at MIT. Nov. 14, 2007.
Materials for books used in previous semesters
Dan Clowes
- Detailed Daniel Clowes site with many links. Click around.
- Salon interview with Daniel Clowes from 2000.
- Clowes in an ad for Apple that was never aired.
- Panel Borders. Alex Fitch interviews Dan Clowes and Chris Ware. YT. 30 min Documentary segment on Dan Clowes. 9 min. YouTube
Ghost World film
- "Smile and a Ribbon". song sung by Patience and Prudence with updated cutout doll visuals. YouTube
- Ghost World. Scene from 2001 film. Near beginning, Enid sketching in diner & following old couple.
- Video on creating Ghost World film. Part I, focuses on Brad Renfro, director
World of Henry Orient
- World of Henry Orient segment from 1964 movie. When the teen-age girls decided to learn everything about the semi-famous pianist Henry Orient, who's the object of affection of one of the girls. Directed by George Roy Hill. YouTube.
- Turner Classic Movie info on World of Henry Orient
- DVD Classics on World of Henry Orient, with synopsis and reference info to Ghost World
The Curious Incident of the Dog in Night Time by Mark Haddon
- The Invention of Lying, 2009 film with Ricky Gervais. Trailer. YT. 2:18 min
- The Monty Hall Problem with Ron Clarke. YT video. 5:49 min
Mark Haddon
- Arthur Conan Doyle, Spiritualism and Fairies by Don Simanek
- Haddon's website with direct link to the section about Curious Incident
- NPR interview with Haddon from 2005
- Interview with the author in 2003 on Powell's Books website
- Interview with Mark Haddon about his book Boom! as well as writing children's books. Includes a video. Posted 9/3/09 on www.viewfromheremagazine.com
- Mini website for Curious Incident on Random House UK
- Good article/interview of Haddon about Curious Incident on The Guardian website. From April 2004
Frances and the Fairies, July 1917, taken by Elsie. Midg Quarter camera at 4 feet, 1/50 sec., sunny day.
A few more Cottingley Fairy Links. Album of family photos. IMDB link to 1997 film FairyTale: A True Story. Article on history of the Cottingley Fairies by Philip Coppens. Cottlingley Network with lots of details.
Information about Aspberger's Syndrome
- US Autisum & Aspberger Association.
- General characteristics of children with Aspberger's Syndrome: a resource for educators
- Online Aspberger Syndrom Information and Support
A Rebel Without a Cause. 1955.
- "You're Tearing Me Apart" scene. YouTube clip. short,
- Chicken game. YouTube. 3:42 min
- A Judy and Jim scene. YouTube. 4 min
- Trailer promoting film. YouTube. 2:33 min
ALA Banned Book Week. Sept. 28 - Oct. 2, 2009
Link to ALA 2009 Banned Books Week site
Jan Susina reading at 2009 Banned Books reading sponsored by ISU Milner Library. YouTube video
Free downloads page of ALA. Scroll down to bottom for .pdf document of 2009 Challenged Book List
"A Library's Approach to Books that Offend" Article from The New York Times (Aug. 19, 2009) on how the Brooklyn Public Library handles requests for book censorship. Includes link to .pdf document showing patron's requests and the library's response to specific books and other media. Article focuses on Tin-Tin.
Entertainment Weekly's Best YA Book of All Time Bracket Contest
Course Guides for Fall 2014 in .pdf format. Syllabus for Section 1. Syllabus for Section 2
Resources for researching and writing academic papers and essays about children's literature and adolescent
- "Starting the Research Process and Searching the Internet" Link to .pdf file of an MLA document
- Check out the 60-Second Recap video page on How to Write a Paper. Informative, lively points about writing academic papers. Can your paper pass all the tests?
- Link to .pdf of Mark I. West's "Key Reference Works Related to Children's Literature" from Everyone's Guide to Children's Literature.Ft. Atkinson, WI: Highsmith Co., 1997.
- Here is my web page -- Research Materials for Writing Academic Essays about Children's and Adolescent Literature -- wth more than 100 resources that I have put together for YOU to use in researching your paper for this class. Please go through the links, look up the books in the library, do your research, and then write your paper.
Readings included in previous introduction to course
- Ruth Graham "Against YA" (in .pdf format) from Slate
- NPR "Your Favorites: 100 Best-Ever Teen Novels" (Follow up in June 2013. "What Kids Are Reading, In School and Out" by Lynn Neary)
Additional links on J.D. Salinger
- A rather comprehensive site about Catcher in the Rye. Lots of links
High school study guide for text
NPR retrospective essay on Catcher in the Rye in 2008, with links
Salinger.org site, also rather comprehensive
Sites that explain Zen Buddhism "What is Buddhism?" Zen Guide. A View of Buddhism
Kiss This Guy.com The Archives of Misheard Lyrics.
Dead Poets Society "Carpe Diem" scene. YT. 5:29 min
"The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs" (2010) South Park episode about Catcher in the Rye.
Carousels. Joni Mitchell "Circle Game" on YT but just music. Tori Amos singing it live at the piano. YT. 4:33. Buffy Saint-Marie singing "Circle Game" in opening of 1970 film Strawberry Statement. YT 3:23.
Syllabus for Fall 2018 Section 1 Section 2
Syllabus for ENG 375 Fall 2019
Syllabus for ENG 375 Summer 2019
Syllabus for ENG 375 Summer 2017