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    Entries in Ashley Tisdale (1)


    A psychedelic Alice opens in Disneyland

    Looks like we'll have to go back to Disneyland to see the new Alice section in the revamped Disney California Adventure.  This Alice is inspired by the weird, colorful word of Tim Burton's film that's re-imagined through the theme park lens.  It's a House of Cards nightclub that opens in the evening with arcade and a rock band headed up by a Mad Hatter channeling Mick Jagger and a White Rabbit dj channeling deadmau5. The caterpillar dance in channeling Pilobus dancers.  Alice is channeling Ashley Tisdale from High School the Musical. Check out the video here.  Maybe just a little squeaky clean, or just squeaky teen Disney, but still seems fun.

    Alice in Disneyland