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Look for Maurice Sendak: A Tribute essays in the PMLA journal January 2014. There's a note about the collection in the Oct. 2013 PMLA. I'm excited about seeing the tribute as I conceived this idea and helped to select the people to write the essays. I have an essay as well as George Bodmer, John Cech, Derick Dreher, U.C. Knoepflmacher, Phil Nel, Amy Sonheim and Maria Tatar. PMLA is a publication of the Modern Language Association.
Sendak was important to how we think about and look at children's literature. He brought a more challenging concept to childhood, while dismissing children as precious and idealized. While he was forward thinking and progressive, he was also rooted and deeply influenced by illustrators and aritists. It was no coincidence that he kept a photograph by Lewis Carroll next to his drawing table.
Looking forward to see all the essays together in January.
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