World Read Aloud Day March 9

An interest and the ability to read starts with hearing others read. According to the organizers of World Read Aloud Day, "Nearly 1 billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their name." Last year, the organizers of World Read Aloud Day had people reading aloud in 35 countries. Events are scheduled throughout the world.
Many books created for children are great for reading aloud so if you need a particular day to encourage yourself to reading to a child, to a teen or an adult, consider World Read Aloud Day a good reason. This might be a time to find again a favorite poem, a passage from a chapter book or a picture book. Or, it might be an impetus to volunteer in classrooms and after school programs that could benefit from an adult reading to children.
March certainly has many days emphasizing reading as well as Women's History Month, Youth Art Month, Mardi Gras, Lent, St. Patrick's Day, ComicCon in Chicago, the Ides of March, and, of course, the hopefulness of the beginning of spring.
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