ENG 370: History of Children's Literature
Presentation List for Spring 2015
Resources for ENG 370
- Research & Writing Resources for Children's Literature. A list I've compiled that will help you on your
A father reading to his family by candlelight, by Daniel Dodd, 1783; engraving. research papers. Includes links to online resources, journals and more, plus a list of books, and the MLA Guide in .pdf form.
- If you are struggling to write a literary analysis paper, read "How to Write a Research Paper in Literature" by Geoff Baker at Chico State University (.pdf format)
- Check out the 60Second Recap video page on How to Write a Paper. Informative, lively points about writing academic papers. Can your paper pass all the tests?
- Common Core Standards Initiative. From this home page, you can connect to the English Language Arts Standards under "Discover the Common Standards"
Introductory Readings
- Online link to Catherine Burke's "Theories of Childhood" from the Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society Vol. 1. Paula S. Fass, ed. New York: Macmillan Reference, 2003. Additional weblink to Burke's essay.
- Link to .pdf of Jan Susina's entry on "Children's Literature" from the Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society Vol. 1. Paula S. Fass, ed. New York: Macmillan Reference, 2003. 178-85. Additional weblink to Susina's essay.
“Mrs. W.P. Davidson with children Cynthia, Sally, Bob and Walter, reading a storybook.” Photographer: Charles H. Wiebmer. 1905. Minnesota Historical Society.
- Link to Peter Hunt's "Passing on the Past: The Problems of Books That Are for Children and That Were for Children."
- Link to .pdf of Mark I. West's "Key Reference Works Related to Children's Literature" from Everyone's Guide to Children's Literature. Ft. Atkinson, WI: Highsmith Co., 1997.
Fairy Tales not in Andrew Lang's Blue Fairy Tale book. Download this .pdf to read: German Fairy Tales: Little Red-Cap, Snow-White, Rapunzel. English Fairy Tales: The Story of Three Little Pigs. H.C. Andersen's Fairy Tales: The Emperor's New Clothes, Little Mermaid, Ugly Duckling
Andrew Lang and The Blue Fairy Book
- "Andrew Lang" by Jan Susina in British Children's Authors 1880-1914. Ed. Laura Zaidman. Brucolli Clark Layman: Columbia, SC. 173-85. .pdf format
- Andrew Lang's The Blue Fairy Book (1889). link to the text of the original book
French Fairy Tales
Cinderella's castle in Storybook Land in Disneyland
- Perrault's "The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood"
- "Little Red Riding Hood" Annotations from SurLaLune Fairy Tales, including several versions.
- Link Red Riding Hood film with Amanda Seyfried, dir. Catherine Hardwick. imdb site for film
- Essay on French Fairy Tales: Les Contes des Fées by Terri Windling on Endicott Studios website
- World of Tales site on Charles Perrault's fairy tales, including text from the stories
German Fairy Tales
- "Little Red Cap" and "Snow White" from Household Stories by the Brothers Grimm (in .pdf)
- "Rapunzel" from Household Stories by the Brothers Grimm. .pdf is in three parts. one two three
- Grimm Brothers' Children and Household Tales. Compiled, translated and annotated by D. L. Ashliman, including German title and Arne-Thompson-Uther classification.
- Several fairy tale versions of "Little Red Riding Hood"
World of Tales page on Grimm Brothers, includes tales from all their books.
- Sam the Sham's "Little Red Riding Hood" song on YouTube, one image with tune.
- "Live-action fairy tales are ripe for plucking by adult filmgoers" by , USA TODAY. Jan 21, 2011
English Fairy & Folk Tales
- Jack and The Beanstalk by Joseph Jacobs
- Introduction by Joseph Jacobs to Fairy Tales (.pdf)
- Three Little Pigs
- The Three Little Pigs version from Joseph Jacobs' collection
- Disney's "Three Little Pigs" from Silly Symphony series (1933) YT 8:23 min
- from Disney's 1933 "Three Little Pigs"
- Green Jello's heavy metal version of "Little Pig, Little Pig" YT 5:49 min
- Several variations on "Three Little Pigs" (especially English & American)
- Home on the Range: A Dairy Tale from Disney, an updated "Three Little Pigs" with Judi Dench as narrator (2004). YT. 3 min.
- Fractured Fairy Tales: "Three Little Pigs" (1961) on YouTube
- "Three Little Pigs" variations from Bowling Green State U library
- A Lesson Plan for K-2 for "Three Little Pigs" with a list of modern adaptations
- Lesson plan from Media Awareness Network in Canada on "Stereotyping and Biases" based on variations on "Three Little Pigs" and scientific information on wolves
Arabian Tales or A Thousand and One Knights
- Andrew Lang's introduction to Arabian Knights (.pdf)
- Also called "One Thousand and One Knights"
- Numerous collections of the Arabian Tales, with notes on similarities and differences.
- The Story of Gulnare of the Sea from The Arabian Nights, edited by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora A. Smith
Fairy tales on film and a few more links
- Fractured Fairy Tales: "Sleeping Beauty"
- Fractured Fairy Tales: "Three Little Pigs" on YouTube
- Disney's "Big Bad Wolf" (1934) on YouTube. 9:03
- Muppet's Classic Theater "The Elves and the Shoemaker" 9:27
- Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre "The Frog Prince" part 3/6
- Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre. Introduction on YT 1:26
- Faerie Tale Theatre's "Little Mermaid." YT 50:26
- Into the Woods by Stephen Soundheim. "Agony" performed by the princes of Cinderella and Rapunzel. Greenville Little Theater 2006. "Agony Reprise"
- Green Jelly "Three Little Pigs Official Video"
- "The Fairy Tale Struggles to Live Happily Ever After" .pdf link to NPR article from Jan 12, 2011
- Disney and Fairy Tales. short essays about history of fairy tales and interpretation by Disney
- National Geographic's 12 "unvarnished" stories from 1914 edition of Grimm's Fairy Tales
- Muppets Classic Theater: "The Elves and the Shoemaker" on YouTube
- Modernized Perrault fairy tales from Canadian educational site.
- Fairy tale related films in 2013: Jack the Giant Killer, Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters (and 3 more Hansel & Gretel films). In 2014: Maleficent (starring Angelina Jolie), Cinderella (starring Cate Blanchett), Arabian Nights (starring Dwayne Johnson). The Guardian article on fairy tale related films.
Fairy Tales in general
- Additional fairy tales not in M.C. Waldrep's Favorite Fairy Tales, a .pdf
- Fairy Tales reprinted from Andrew Lang's color book series
- Gustave Dore images, including most fairy tale books
- Embracing the Child. Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Myths and Legends
- Folktexts: A library of folktales, folklore, fairy tales and mythology. Extensive. Edited by D. L. Ashliman, University of Pittsburgh. Find one tale, and then find its multiple recreations in other cultures.
H. C. Andersen
- "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" by H. C. Andersen
- H.C. Andersen Fairy Tales: Ugly Ducking, Emperor's New Clothes and Little Mermaid.
- "Emperor's New Clothes" link to a .pdf version. Link to a different translation.
Hans Christian Andersen
- "The Little Mermaid" complete text, translated to English
- The Hans Christian Andersen Center at the University of Southern Denmark
- An Annotated "Little Mermaid" at surlalunefairytales.com site.
- Biographical information about Andersen from endicott-studio.com
- World of Tales page for Hans Christian Andersen, with links to texts of stories
- Annotated Web-o-graphy for Andersen. Detailed with links
Emperor's New Clothoes
Mother Goose
- Mother Goose in Prose by L. Frank Baum. Project Gutenberg html document. A LibriVox Recording. Same material by better layout.
- "Mother Goose Rock 'n Rhymes." from Shelly Duvall. Part 1 of 9. YouTube
- The Only True Mother Goose Good Melodies by Munroe and Francis (1833). Online version via Project Gutenberg with illustrations
- Mother Goose: A Scholarly Exploration from Rutgers University Library
- The Real Mother Goose illustrated by Blanche Fisher Wright (1916)
- Mother Goose Society
- Charles Perrault's Mother Goose Tales
- L. Frank Baum's introduction to 1897 his Father Goose
- Nursery Rhyme lyrics and origins
- The story of Boston's Mother Goose.
- A visit to Mother Goose's grave
Puritan Literature for Children. The Moral Tale
A hornbook used by the Puritans.
Please read this .pdf with two reading selections Puritan Literature for Children & the Moral Tale. The .pdf has an incomplete version of "The Purple Jar." Sorry. Please go to this link to read the entire the story.
Background materials on Puritan's Children's Literature.
- Images and information of children's books from hornbooks to William Blake from the Indiana University Lilly Library collection.
- Exhibit on early children's literature from the University of South Carolina's Rare Book collection
Development of the Children's Book Market
Please read this .pdf on John Newbery and the Development of the of the Children's Book Market
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Good overview of Rousseau on nature, wholeness & education.
- Educational theories of Rousseau.
- Detailed overview of Rousseau.
- Rousseau's Emile, ou l'education. Full text in French and translated into English.
- Education student's video on Rousseau's theories of education. Good summary. YouTube. 3:53 min
John Locke
- Good introduction to Locke with timeline
- The educational theories of Locke and the text of Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1692) from The Harvard Classics series
- Introducing the book (a.k.a. The Medieval Help desk). YouTube video. The Norwegian is funnier, but here is a version with English actors.
- Three-minute philosopher's YouTube video going over Locke. Line drawings, but sums it up okay. Mature audience.
- Another view of John Locke, here's a YouTube music mashup that an AP high school student did explaining Locke's theories.
- (P.S. When studying Locke and Rousseau in this class, we're referring to the Enlightenment philosophers, not the characters on the television series Lost.)
Pretty Little Pocket-Book
- Information from Colonial Williamsburg about 1744 edition of Pretty Little-Pocket Book
- Digitized version from The Library of Congress. Go to page 10 for frontispiece
- Digitized version of 1787 edition published in the U.S. by Isaiah Thomas
- Image of the book with additional toys that it came with, from The Morgan Library.
The New England Primer
- Scanned images of an 1805 New England Primer
- An 1843 version of The New England Primer with images from original and text in regular type.
- Link to a SlideShare slide show with audio and images on The New England Primer (4 min)
- For more information: A digitized version of Paul Ford's study on The New England Primer: a history of its origin and development. Includes images of the originals.
Lewis Carroll's Alice books
Lewis Carroll. Photograph by O.J. Reijlander
The British Library's virtual tour of the original manuscript of Alice's Adventures Under Ground. 1. Opening description with images only (not as interactive). . 2. Shockwave version so it's easy to turn pages. 3. A page with link to Silverlight version (most interactive)
Jan Susina's interview with Martin Gardener on Annotated Alice from Five Owls. (.pdf file)
Lewis Carroll Society of North America. Filled with links. Lewis Carroll home page, hosted by the LCSNA.
Lenny's Alice in Wonderland page. Good links to basic info on the book.
Victorian Website links on Lewis Carroll
Lewis Carroll's scrapbook from Library of Congress
Illustrations of Alice that are not by Tenniel
Florence Milner's 1903 essay explaining poems in Alice and original
Lesson Plan for teaching Alice in high school. From Discovery ChannelAlice near the jury box, as illustrated by John Tenniel
Ruth Ann Zarnoff's interactive Alice site.
Tim Burton talks with Johnny Depp about Alice in Wonderland and Batman in LA Times (Oct. 15, 2008)
Blog on Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland and pop culture related materials
Penguin Books USA's reader's guide to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Middle school and high school level.John Tenniel's White Rabbit illustration
Cooper-Hewitt Museum video of page-by-page of Tony Sarg's Treasure Book. Video focuses on Alice in Wonderland and shows the pop-ups and details. YouTube. 1.5 min.
Trailer for 1999 television version of Alice in Wonderland. YouTube 1 min.
Unusual online text version with illustrations by many artists from many books. A Bedtime Story Classic
Link to information on Jan Susina's The Place of Lewis Carroll in Children's Literature
Heinrich Hoffmann's Struwwelpeter
Struwwelpeter site from Virginia Commonwealth University with images, German text and English translation. Well organized.
- Struwwelpeter museum, in German, but interesting!
- German video, with real actors, of Little Suck-a Thumb. YouTube 3:16min.
- Struwwelpeter with cool graphic designs and updated images from American artist Bob Staake. NPR interview by Liane Hansen of Staake about his Struwwelpeter. (April 9, 2006)
- Animated version, in black-and-white, of The story of Little Suck-a Thumb.
- Oompah Loompah's song about Augustus Gloop from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory film. YouTube 1 min.
- Demise of Augustus Gloop from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory film. YouTube. 4:49 min.
- Der Struwwelpeter. Discussion and many color photos from 1955 German film by Fritz Genschow on forcesofgeek.com. Detailed analysis.
- Link to J.D. Stahl's essay Mark Twain's "Slovenly Peter" in the Context of Twain and German Culture
- The Lion and the Unicorn - Volume 20, Number 2, December 1996, pp. 166-180
- And just for fun, a Struwwelpeter quiz.
Christina Rossetti's Sing-Song
The Girlhood of Mary (1848-9) Dante Rossetti. Christina posed for her brother as Mary, on right
"In the Bleak Mid-Winter" sung by Shawn Colvin. YouTube video with image of CD cover YouTube video with images of winter
Vicotorian Web links to Christina Rossetti From the V-web. "Contextual Intertextuality: Dante, Petrarch, and Chrstina Rossetti" by Anthony Harrison
Pre-Raphaelite Women from Pittsburgh State State site. Detailed information and multitude of links and images about Christina Rossetti.
Jan Susina essay “ ‘More is Meant Than Meets the Ear’: Narrative Framing in the Three Versions of George MacDonald’s The Light Princess.” George MacDonald: Literary Heritage and Heirs. Ed. Roderick McGillis.Ophelia by Arthur Hughes Wayne, PA: Zossima P, 2007: 99-112.
Pre-Raphaelite Art collection Delaware Museum of Art. Extensive collection with great, educational website on Pre-Raphaelites! Link to a full color .pdf educational guide.Cover of Goblin Market by D. Rossetti
Beata Beatrix (1871-2) by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (In the Art Institute of Chicago)
Dante Gabriel Rossettie hypermedia archive. Thorough! Many images that are catalogued are in private hands. part of the NINES, networked infrastructure for nineteenth-century electronic scholarship.Dante Rossetti work with Christina illustrated on right
Birmingham Museum of Art (in England) massive Pre-Raphaelite collection. You can create a personalized folder from museum's collection.
Pre-Raphaelite Society webpage, dedicated to the study of the lives and art of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.
Six Pre-Raphaelite images that are about literature.
Christina Rossetti, by D. G. Rossetti, 1848
Link to Pre-Raphaelite show on artists and nature at the Tate Museum in 2004. Good background info.
Joyce Carol Oates Afterword to Goblin Market
Poetryanimation on YouTube. Christina Rossetti's portrait (by Dante) reading "Uphill" "Remember" Weird, but cool.
Video illustration of "Who Has Seen the Wind?" contemporary, beautiful. YouTube. 1min. There are many musical interpretations of "Who Has Seend the Wind?" Here's another by a Oak Park/River Forest children's choir in 2008 (YouTube 1:54 min) And here's "In an Artist's Studio" with a Second Life interpretation. (YouTube. 6 min, watch first min to get concept)
Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio and "Punch and Judy"
Punch magazine featuring Punch & Judy puppet show.
- Punch and Judy video (YouTube. 2:15)
- John Payne Collier's Punch and Judy, illustrated by George Cruikshank (1826) [link automatically downloads a .pdf of 1826 original book)
- The World Through Wooden Eyes website section on "Punch." Detailed history and many images of versions of Punch.
- A typical Punch and Judy puppet show. YouTube 2:16 min
- The Donkey transformation from Disney's Pinocchio. YouTube video 2:34 min.
- The Making of Disney's Pinocchio. 2000 video, somewhat promotional. YouTube. 5 min. Video of the Pinocchio ride in Disneyland from 2001.
- Pinocchio Park in Tuscany, Italy.
- Kermit the Frog interviews Pinocchio from Muppets TV. YouTube video
- Segment from film Pinocchio 3000. YouTube. 4 min. Pinocchio redone as robots in the future.
- Animated preview of graphic novel Pinocchio, Vampire Slayer (2009). Makes the book look clever. Focuses on darker side of Pinocchio. YouTube 1min.
- Pinocchio: British version with actors. This scene when Pinocchio and friends arrive in the Land of Toys. 2008. YouTube 3 Min.
- The New Adventures of Pinocchio. 1960s TV version with marionettes and upbeat music. YouTube. 5 min.
- Pinocchio 1976 American TV version starring Sandy Duncan and Danny Kaye. In this episode he exchanges his spelling book and lands in a marionette show. YouTube. 9:34 min.
- From the Cooper-Hewitt Museum a pop-up version of Pinocchio. Watch the pages unfold. YouTube video. 2 min.
- Trailer for The Advenutres of Pinocchio (1996) with real actors. YouTube. 2min.
Beatrix Potter
Beatrix Potter and Benjamin Bunny, on a lead.
- Frederick Warne, official pubblisher of Beatrix Potter Information on Potter, games, news, eating healthy.
- Beatrix Potter's life in Cumbria. Lots of info about her life there, many book suggestions, photographs, and info about the film Miss Potter
- "The Tale of Miss Potter" Daily Telegraph article about the film Miss Potter and her life in England. (16 Dec. 2006)
- Beatrix Potter, Fabulist. Online exhibit from Cotsen Children's Library at Princeton. Click on the images on top of the screen.
- A biography of Potter from University of Pittsburgh site.
- The Beatrix Potter Society website.
- The National Trust's homes of Beatrix Potter and links to more information about her.
Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
The N word and Mark Twain
- CBS News piece on the edited Huck Finn (March 18, 2011). Link takes you to article and video.
- PBS Teaching Guide for video on Huck Finn controversy. the one hour video on the controversy
- CleanReader app. A free app for iPhone or Android that 'cleans' away bad langauge in any ebook.
- "This freaking app can sanitize the [heck] out of any book" by Ron Charles in the Washington Post. March 6, 2015
- Cory Doctrow on why he is again CleanReader in an essay in The Guardian, March 30, 2015. He believes books should be read as written.
- "Round-Down: What the [Redacted]? Clean Reader App Cleans Up Literature."
Mark Twain in His Times: Great site from Univ of Virginia. Click through to comprehensive material about Tom Sawyer, with e-texts of material leading up to the novel, original reviews, illustrations, & info on Hannibal. Listen here to excerpts of actors who carefully recreate Clemmon's amazing storytelling style.
Mark Twain website by PBS and Ken Burns.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame lesson plan incorporating Mark Twain
Mark Twain at Play: an online exhibit from the Univ of California-Berkley's Mark Twain Papers library. Check out what made him laugh, what he did to relax, and look at his original writings.
"Mark Twain: Our original superstar" an essay in Time magazine by humor writer Roy Blount, Jr. (July 3, 2008)
Search quotations from Mark Twain: Twainquotes.com
Mark Twain's Mississippi: site emphasizing Twain's books about the river and his experiences on it.
This is Mark Twain, site created by University of California Press and the Bancroft Library. Feature 2 interactive timelines
sign in front of Becky's home in Hannibal, MO
Twain's home in Hannibal, MO
Twain working at his Quarry Farm
Mark Twain's The Prince & The Pauper
An ebook Text of The Prince & The Pauper on Gutenberg
Penguin's notes for teaching The Prince & The Pauper
Video versions of The Prince & The Pauper
- Trailer to 1937 version starring twins Billy and Bobby Mauch and Erroll Flyn
- Walt Disney's 1962 version in three parts for television. Link to trailer
- A 1975 Nicholas Lyndhurst version that was shown on PBS. 4 min selection
- Mickey Mouse animated cartoon (1990). 23 min
- A 1996 TV-style version in many episodes. This is episode 1 (28 min)
- A 2000 version starring Aidan Quinn & Alan Bates. rather dark. Link to trailer
- 2008 Disney version starring the the Sprouse twins. A contemporary version as seen in trailer
Louisa May Alcott's Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Complete text of Alcott's Flower Fables, from the University of Virginia's electronic database.
University of Virginia's hypmerdia presentation on Alcott, many links.
Orchard House, Alcott's home, with information about the house and her books.
Documentary on Louisa May Alcott: The Woman Behind Little Women, which has aired on PBS' American Masters series. Includes clips of documentary and scholarly info.
NPR interview of Harriet Riesen, author of the book Louisa May Alcott: The Woman Behind Little Women.
Review of Library of America's edition of Little Women, Little Men and Jo's Boys edited by Elaine Showalter in The New York Times (May 15, 2005)Bronson Alcott
Bibliographic information about Louisa May Alcott, with links. More bibliographic information on Alcott from Unitarian-Universalists site.
Biographical info on Alcott by Cynthia Butos from Heath Anthology of American Literature
"Boston in the Sixties" from Rebecca Harding Davis' 1904 memoir Bits of Gossip. An excerpt on literary figures in Boston, focusing on Bronson Alcott, Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne and R. W. Emerson
Link to Bronson Alcott's Concord Days, part 3, in Google Books
Jan Susina's “Men and Little Women: Notes of a Resisting (Male) Reader.” Little Women and the Feminist Imagination. Eds. Janice M. Alberghene and Beverly Lyon Clark. New York: Garland, 1999: 161-72.
Timeline for dates of writers and literaty dates related to Concord, Massachusetts, 1810-1890 (created by Donna Campbell)
Film and theaterical versions of Little Women
- Trailer for 1933 version of Little Women, starring Katharine Hepburn. The Dance scene with Jo and Laurie. YouTube 1:21 min
Orchard House, where the Alcotts lived
- Amy is punished. Four different film versions all via YouTube. 1933 version 1949 version. 1978 version. 1994 version.
- Mashup of Laurie and Jo from all the Little Women versions. Youtube
- Documentary on the making of the 1994 film Little Women. YouTube. 6:52 min
- Little Women Anime Toie 1980 (part 1 of 7). Interesting Japanese version. YouTube. 8:57 min
- Broadway version. "Astonished" song with Jo and Laurie from Little Women. YouTube. 6:17 min
- Script from Friends TV episode where they read favorite books: The Shining and Little Women
Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island
Photos of Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Louis Stevenson's "My First Book."
Robert Louis Stevenson website from Edinburough University. Specific information about Treasure Island with image of original map.
Robert Louis Stevenson website. Comprehensive source on all things Stevenson sposored by the British Library and the Universities of Edinburgh and Stirling and numerous other organization.
An ebook facsimile of Treasure Island with frontispiece by Wyeth and illustrations by Louis Read.
"Stevenson's 'Treasure Island': Still Avast Delight" by Jonathan Yardley writing in The Washington Post April 17, 2006
Good introduction to book that opens with map to Treasure Island. Geared for high schoolers, but interesting.
The map in Treasure Island, as drawn by Louis Read
L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz
Still from The Pathwork Girl of Oz 1914 film
Patchwork Girl of Oz. 1914 film created by Baum. YouTube video. 15 min. (Atomic Caravan blog post with stills and notes about the 1914 film)
1893 World's Columbian Exposition
- Photographs from Shepp's World's Fair Photographed, Chicago (www.bc.edu)
- The Columbian Exposition Image Gallery (lots of photos) and Interactive map. General Information and links. Site created by University of Chicago
- Video simulation of 1893 World's Fair. cool. Link to complete Simulations of World's Fair (videos & stills) created by UCLA class.
The Wizard of Oz: An American Fairytale, an online exhibit at the Library of Congress. Covers Baum's book in detail as well as stage and film adaptations.
Detailed fan website about The Wizard of Oz film and book, Answers to questions about the curious 'hanging scene' in the 1939 film
International Wizard of Oz club for fans, scholars, book collectors and more. Publishes Baum Bugle.
Literary Traveler article on L. Frank Baum
Film versions of Wizard of Oz
- Link to Warner Bros. 70th anniversary re-release of The Wizard of Oz film
- "71 Facts about the film's 71st anniversary" from The Guardian (Aug 2010)
- Tornado scene from 1939 film. YT 4:46 min
- The Wonders of Oz. Documentary about the book and author on YouTube clip Episode 1 (good ideas but bad production values)
- Teach with Movies: sample study guide for The Wizard of Oz
- 1910 silent film version (with piano accompaniment). YouTube 7 min.
- Stills, in film style, from 1903 production by Canton Comic Opera. YT 2.46 min.
- Did Pink Floyd intend Dark Side of the Moon to coincide with 1939 Wizard of Oz? YT 2 min.
- The Mousketeers put on The Wizard of Oz with Walt Disney's approval (Sept. 11, 1957)
- Journey Back to Oz, animated feature from 1973. This clip features Liza Minnelli singing. YT 2 min.
- Short Segment from the Muppets. Wizard of Oz and Ashanti singing theme song from Muppets' Oz
W.W. Denslow, Oz illustrator
L. Frank Baum, author of Oz series
J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan
J. M. Barrie with his St. Bernard Porthos, which he walked in Kensington Gardens
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, complete text in .pdf format
Arthur Rackham's illustrations to Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, featuring images from the 1906 text. Barrie extracted the Peter Pan story from The Little White Bird
Mary Martin as Peter PanPeter Pan and Eros, essay from Victorian Web on the book and its Greek roots
Peter Pan on stage and screen
- Brief info from Disney on its Peter Pan film (1953)
- Information on Peter Pan Broadway musical when it aired on television in March 1955
- Thoughts on the reality behind Finding Neverland film
Videos of Peter Pan versions, from YouTube
- 1960 TV version of Broadway play with Mary Martin. In this segment, Peter shows up for the first time needing his shadow sewed on. 8 min
- Cathy Rigby in updated Broadway play from 1990s. "Where Dreams are Born" and "I'm Flying." 10 min.
- Trailer for 2003 film version. 2:30 min
Cathy Rigby as Peter Pan
Gutenberg eBook of Peter Pan Peter Pan Children's Fund
Essay on Peter Pan from Endicott Studios website
Teaching idea for middle school students on comparing film and book. Questions on each chapter and good guidance on teaching the class.
Jeremy Sumpter as Peter Pan
Peter Pan statue in England
Kenneth Grahame's Wind in the Willows
Brief biographical information on Kenneth Grahame
Sketch of Kenneth Grahame by John Singer Sargeant
Alastair Grahme, who was nick named Mouse.
Simply messing around in boats. Illustration by E.H. Shepherd from Wind in the Willows
Toad of Toad Hall from Wind in the WillowsThe Kenneth Grahame Society website Many great links on his books and related plays, films and illustrated versions. Information about travel and biographical materials.
"Kenneth Grahme: Lost in the Wild Wood" an essay on the 100th anniversary of Wind in the Willows by John At Mr. Toad's Wild Ride in DisneylandPreston at The Telegraph
Essay on "The Wind in the Willows at 100" by Gary Kamiya in Salon.com. Dec. 16, 2008.
Essay about two annotated version of Wind in the Willows "Rat, Toad and Mole Get Footnotes" by Jeremy McCarter Newsweek, April 27, 2009
New speculation on what prompted Grahame to start writing Wind in the Willows.
The River and Rowing Museum, Henley on Thames has an exhibit about Grahame and Wind in the Willows.
Selected images from various illustrators' versions of Wind in the Willows
Links to many YouTube videos of Wind in the Willows, both animated and with actors
"Riverbank Reverie" by Paddy Gromley. This is a radio serial in twelve half-hour episodes. It explores the relationship between the life of Kenneth Grahame and the fantasy world of his masterpiece, The Wind in the Willows
Folly Bridge where Grahame played as a boy living in Oxford
Additional interesting material on the history of children's literature
Guide from the Victoria & Albert Museum on the life of Victorian children. .pdf format designed for both children and aults.