Can you pass the Alice test?*

As they said in San Francisco a few years ago, "Can you pass the Alice test?" Check out this test about Alice in one of many covers for Alice's Adventures in WonderlandWonderland and Lewis Carroll in USA Today. I helped with some of the questions and am listed as a contributor.
Thanks to Mike Cadden, a professor at Missouri Western State University and an ISU graduate in children's literature, for connecting me with the reporter at USA Today. It was lots of fun to put together references to Alice in pop culture.
Here's a .pdf of reference points to Alice, Wonderland and Lewis Carroll in popular culture, which I sent to the reporter.
*By the way, what they said in the 60s was "Can you pass the acid test?" and that reference should not be considered a way to connect Charles Dodgson to drug use. There's no real evidence that he used any kind of substance altho he did seem to occasionally drink red wine, or at least order it for his house in Oxford. There's more about incorrect ideas about Carroll in the introductory chapter in The Place of Lewis Carroll in Children's Literature.