Excitement for The Hunger Games continues

The Hunger Games film opens in a few weeks and we've noticed that several stores are featuring new covers of The Hunger Games in paperback as well as some other books. There's the Official Illustrated Movie Companion, the Unauthorized Guide to the Series, The World of the Hunger Games, and a Guide to the Hunger Games. Quite a few.
There's also the question: Is the Hunger Games going to be bigger than Twilight? The possibility is there, as this article in the New Jersey Star-Ledger proposes, since the series is popular not just with girls and women but also with boys. There's a bigger audience to draw from. Still, as this article points out, the clip previews show that the film is going to be significant different from the book. We're still sad that the first Percy Jackson film was so significantly different. If the Hunger Games films is too different will it alienate audiences?
But Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters seems to definitely be in production. And we'll probably see that.
In the meantime, we're disappointed that the Hugo DVD didn't take more advantage of the possibility to including more early film materials and clips in the basic DVD.