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    Entries in Dickens at 200 (2)


    Dickens' quotation books

    The students in the Dickens course this semester made very creative quotation books.  The assignment was to keep track of interesting quotations in the Dickens books we were reading.  At the end of the semester, they were to hand in the quotation book.  It had to have quotations from each book and to have illustrations as well.  Lots of cool ideas: from quotes in a box, handmade books, re-imagined Moleskins, computerized layouts.  A fun assignment for me to grade.  Here's a photo of some of the quotation book results


    Fall 2012: Dickens novels course

    The syllabi for ENG 329, Dickens novels course, is now available on my website, in .pdf format.  Click here.  This should be a great course.  It's timed to coincide with Dickens' 200th birthday and related celebrations.  Looking forward to a great semester.

    For those in the course, be sure to read John Forester's Life of Charles Dickens, Book 1, chapter 2 (pages 11-19) about the author's early life.  Here's a link to that section in the book.