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    Entries in Corbin Bernsen (1)


    Weetzie Bat film?

    Weetzie Bat, the imaginative adolescent book about creative kids in LA by Fransceca Lia Block, reads like a film script.  So it's exciting that there's a possibility it will finally become a film.  While teaching Block's book in Adolescent Literature, I found several Internet sources about the production.

    In September 2010 actors, including Chelsea Staub and Corbin Bernsen, read the Script for Weetzie Bat and the Dangerous Angel in bookstore with Block.  Part 1  Part 2 Part 3  YT videos about 11 min each 

    The film has potential for success given the popularity of similar type films for adolescents, especially based on the success of the Stephenie Meyers' Twilight series and Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. Weetzie Bat, however, is a more poetic, slightly more surreal and perhaps more controversial.  Those ingredients have the potential for a big hit if marketed right to teenage girls.

    Here is a short video based on film outtakes.  5 min

    Production and Design photos for film 

    Block's notes on scriptwriting

    Link to Brian Gaskill's web page.  He is directing the film.

    Here's the cast list, with links to their IMDB pages.

    Weetzie Bat - Chelsea Staub


    Charlie Bat (Weetzie's dad) - Corbin Bernsen

    Brandy-Lynn (Weetzie's mom)  - Shannon Sturges

    Dirk (Weetzie's best friend, who is gay) - Brant Daugherty

    Grandma Fifi (Dirk's grandmother) - EG Daily  
    She will also be reading several other characters as well as singing. 

    Valentine - Dwight Ewell
    He will also be reading several other characters.

    Max/secret agent lover man  - Aaron Ashmore

    Vixxanne - Crystal Mantecon

    Buzz Cut - Jason Seitz
    He will also be reading several the character of Bam Bam, Duck's friend.

    Duck (surfer) - Kurt Collins