
Disneyland is still the most magical place on Earth I'm happy to report. Like so many kids who watched Disney's Sunday night TV show, I was fascinated with Disneyland in California. My parents took our family once, in the late 1960s. When we arrived in Disneyland, I wanted to go everywhere, see everything that I had seen on television. Instead, my parents made us stop on Main Street. Not to watch a parade, or wait in line to see Mickey Mouse, or anything interesting like that. No. My parents, always pharmacists, wanted to hang out in the drug store on Main Street USA. It's not like they hadn't seen drug stores before. They worked in them. They even collected a few antique drug store items. But they couldn't budge for what seemed like an hour as they looked at every detail of that drug store. I don't remember them complaining something was wrong with it -- as Disney people work hard to get the essence right. But I do remember being enormously disappointed at my introduction to Disneyland.
This year, my son, my wife and I visited Disneyland before going to MLA in downtown LA. We have been wanting to go for years. Some of us have never been and some of us hadn't been for a very long time. So the experience was new and exuberant for us. I'll post some of the photos from our trip over a few blog posts.There's always a light in the apartment above the fire station to remember when Walt Disney lived at Disneyland.
Main Street Disneyland at night. The drug store isn't there any more. We did have to check.
The fireworks over the castle were particularly spectacular. The firework show told a story and featured a flying Tinkerbell.
We had to get our photo taken with the Mad Hatter and Alice, of course.