Sunday morning breakfast reading in the Times

While the New York Times' essay about Alice in Wonderland appeared online Friday, the article, by Larry Rohter is in the Sunday print version (today). How fun to drink coffee, eat English muffins and read about Alice in Wonderland. The article by Dave Kehr about the re-releases of Alice-related What to wear to the Alice film, as suggested by Buzznetfilms on DVDs also is good.
Tim Burton's Alice seems to be fighting violence, just as contemporary culture is struggling with fighting violence and figuring out justice. I don't think that's quite what Lewis Carroll was working out with the original Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, but it's always up for re-interpretation and re-imagination. When we went to Hot Topics on Friday night for the pre-release of Almost Alice, it's clear that the merchandise for Burton's Alice is darker, geared specifically to teens (mainly girls, and a few who are tweens), and follows in the vein of steampunk.
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