Resources for researching and writing academic papers focusing on Victorian Literature Resources
MLA Guide. Check it out for how to write and format your papers. Important to look at before you hand in the final version of your research paper.
Check out the 60Second Recap video page on How to Write a Paper. Informative, lively points about writing academic papers. Can your paper pass all the tests?
Academic databases
Literary Criticism databases are available through Milner Library, selected list. Includes Book Review Digest, Book Review Index, Children's Literature Review, Contemporary Authors, Current Biography, Humanities International Complete, JSTOR, MLA International Bibliography
Cinema Studies/Film databases available through Milner Library, selected list. Includes Film/Television Literature Index, Gale Virtual Library, Academic Search Complete, Reader's Guide Abstracts
Project Muse: collection of numerous academic journalsm. If you access through Milner Library (or another academic library where you have an account), you will be able to see the entire journal article.
JSTOR: Access to more than 1,000 academic journals and more than 1 million primary source resources. This link takes you to JSTOR and tells you how to access through an academic resource. Or access through Milner.
Library of Congress. Resources available on the web
Academic journals in the electronic databases or print copies
Using these resources through Milner (or another academic library where you have an account), you should be able to access the following specific academic journals:
Dickens Studies Annual.
Nineteenth-Century Fiction.
Nineteenth-Century Literature.
Victorian Literature and Culture.
Victorian Studies.
Selected Nineteenth-century British periodicals:
Blackwood's Magazine. 1817-1910. Also available through the Internet Library of Early Journals
Edinburgh Review. 1802-1929
Notes and Queries. Part of the Internet Library of Early Journals from the Universities of Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Oxford.
Punch. 1858-1992
The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals, 1824-1900. 3 vols.
Books on the Victorian Era
A few books to get you started on your research. The number in parentheses is the call number. Ref=reference book. If there's no call number, the book is worthwhile to find in a library but may not be at Milner. Books are listed in alphabetical order.
Backgrounds to English Victorian Literature. Schneewind, J. B. (DA 550)
Backgrounds to Victorian Literature. Richard A. Levine (PR 463)
Companion to Victorian Literature & Culture (PR 461)The Oxford Companion to British History. John Cannon, ed. (DA34)
A Concise Companion to the Victorian Novel (PR 871)Encyclopedia of the Victorian Era. James Eli Adams, editor in chief; 4 vols. DA550
Educating Women: cultural conflict and Victorian Women. Laura Morgan Green. (PR 788)
The encyclopedia of the Victorian world : a reader's companion to the people, places, events, and everyday life of the Victorian era. Melinda Corey and George Ochoa, eds.(DA 550)
The London Encyclopedia. Ben Weinreb and Christopher Hibbert, eds.
The Oxford Chronology of English Literature. 2 vols. (Z2011, ref at Milner)
Victorian Age in literature. G. K. Chesterton (PR 461, storage basement, so you have to ask for it)
Victorian Britain: An Encyclopedia.
Victorian People and ideas: a companion for the modern reader of Victorian Literature. Richard Altick. (DA 533)
The Victorian Period: the intellectual and cultural context of English literature, 1830-1890. Robin Gilmour (PR 461)
The 1890s : an encyclopedia of British literature, art, and culture. G.A. Cevasco (DA 560, ref at Milner)
Resources for Studying 19th-Century English Novels
The Victorian Web, a long-running website on Victorian Britain with many resources. Good place to start.
Victorian Research. "VRW is dedicated to the scholarly study of nineteenth-century Britain, and to aiding researchers, teachers, and students in their investigations of any and all aspects of this fascinating period."
Technology revolutionized the UK during Queen Victoria's reign, but cell phones were developed later.
Nineteenth century Serials Edition. The Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (ncse) is a free, online edition of six nineteenth-century periodicals and newspapers.
N I N E S: Nineteenth- century scholarship online. Links to the best scholarship on the ninetenth century (not just British, but everything on the nineteenth century). Most material is peer-reviewed. Great site to check out with lots of links.
Voice of the Shuttle. Links for Victorian Literature studies online. Includes general links for British and American literature as well as links (scroll down) for specific authors.
Online version of classic 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
Victorian Studies Bibliography. a listing of noteworthy publications (including articles, books, and reviews) to study the Victorian period. Created by staff of Victorian Studies and MLA's Victorian Division. Use this to find the resources which you will then have to find in the library or online.
Victorian Links, a U.K website with numerous links.
Victorian Britain, from the BBC's History Trails. Articles, images and links on history and culture in Victorian England, including quizzes.
Victorian Britain, an interactive teaching guide from the U.K.'s National Archives focusing mainly on social issues, but with links to many primary sources.
Victoria & Albert Museum's online exhibit guide to its 19th Century collection. Lively and interesting.
The Victorian Dictionary, an organized, large encyclopedic-type collection of articles written during the Victorian period about life and culture. Easily searchable. Cool.
Victorian Women Writers Project.
Queen Victoria's Empire, website created for related PBS series. Information on Queen Victoria and life in England.
Resources on Victorian culture and contemporary travel from Britian Express, a modern magazine on UK culture.
Mostly Victorian, a website that reprints articles from The Strand, a popular Victorian magazine.
Art History Resources on the web: 19th Century. Compiled by C. Whitcombe, professor of art history at Sweet Briar College. Extensive links on many 19th c. artists, not just British.
The British Museum. The definitive museum about England with a good website
Victorian Station. Emphasizing home arts and design, not scholarly, but may be interesting.
Resources created for Victorian Novel (1851-1867) course at Vanderbilt.