Jan Susina's selected presentations
“Considering Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as an Illustrated Text.” Presentation in Laureen Tedesco’s Advanced Studies in Children’s Literature. East Carolina University. Zoom lecture. Oct. 12, 2020.
“The Political Creatures of Wonderland: John Tenniel’s Punch Cartoons.” Presentation in Rites of Reading: Elephant Donkey, Bull Moose and Others lecture series. Organized by Elizabeth Goodenough. University of Michigan. Zoom Lecture. Oct. 13, 2020.
“An Un-Birthday Present: The Publication and History of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” Co-presentation with August Imholtz, President of the Lewis Carroll Society of North American. University of Michigan Library. Zoom Lecture, Oct. 15, 2020.
“A Brief History of Children’s Book Illustration.”. Presentation for Ivan Brunetti’s Illustrations: History & Practice. Columbia College-Chicago. Zoom lecture. 30 Nov. 2020.
“`Stay Gold, Ponyboy”: The Bookish Nature of Francis Ford Coppola’s The Outsiders.” 2020 American Literature Association San Diego, May 21-24, 2020. Paper accepted for presentation. Conference cancelled due to COVID.
“Sendak Goes to the Dogs: Maurice Sendak’s Empathic View of Dogs.” 2019 ChLA (Children’s Literature Association Conference). Indianapolis, IN 15 June 2019.
“A Southern Reading of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird.” Invited Lecturer. The Southern Child in Literature and Film Symposium. University of North Carolina-Charlotte. 8 February 2018.
“From Alice’s Wonderland to Alice in Wonderland: Walt Disney’s Problem Child.” Invited Lecturer. San Diego State University. 14 March 2018.
“Lewis Carroll Among the Cartoonists.” Children’s Literature Association Conference. Columbus, OH. 9 June 2016.
“Alice Goes to College: The Alice Books in the College Curriculum.” The Lewis Carroll Society of North America. New York University. 15 Oct. 2016.
“Illustrating Alice: The Changing Nature of Illustrations of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” Presentation in conjunction with the Milner Library Special Collections exhibition “The Evolution of Alice in Wonderland.” 18 Nov. 2015.
“Lewis Carroll and the Alice Industry.” Invited keynote speaker. Alice’s (un)Birthday Party. Sponsored by Children’s Literature Graduate Organization. University of North Carolina-Charlotte. 11 Nov. 2015.
“Lewis Carroll and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” Invited speaker to University High School Book Club. University High School. Normal, IL. 9 Nov. 2015.
“Down the Rabbit-Hole: Walt Disney’s Animated Alice in Wonderland.” Invited keynote speaker for ISU English Department Undergraduate English Studies Symposium, Illinois State University. 6 Nov. 2015.
“Down the Rabbit-Hole: Walt Disney’s Animated Alice in Wonderland.” Invited keynote speaker for “Alice through the Ages: The 150th Anniversary of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” Conference at Homerton College, Cambridge University. 15-17 Sept. 2015.
“ ‘You’ve brought us the wrong Alice’: Tim Burton’s Dystopic Alice in Wonderland.” 2015 MLA January 2015. Vancouver.
Panelist on “Grimm Tales: An Artistic Perspective.” 26 February 2014. Part of the Exhibition of the Department of Fine Arts’ Faculty and Student Work at ISU’s Milner Library on “Grimm Tales: An Artistic Perspective.”
“Escamotage, or Sleight of Hand in Brian Selzick’s The Invention of Hugo Cabret.” Children’s Literature Association Conference. Simmons College, Boston. June 2012.
“Lewis Carroll and the Creation of the Alice Industry. Friends of Milner Library at ISU. 30 March 2010.
“Knucklehead in Wonderland: Jon Scieszka Adapts Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” SAMLA Conference. Atlanta. 6 Nov. 2009.
“Private Pete Meets The Cat in the Hat: John Hersey and the Creation of The Cat in the Hat.” Children’s Literature Association Conference. Charlotte, NC. 10 June 2009.
“Musical Picture Books: Reading and Listening to Margaret Wise Brown and Raffi.” Seventh Biennial Conferenceart from Good Night Moon on Modern Critical Approaches to Children’s Literature. Nashville. 30 March 2007.
“Staging Childhood: Lewis Carroll’s Costumed Photographs of Children.” Invited Speaker. ISU Colloquium on Visual Culture. Center for Visual Arts. ISU, Normal, Illinois. 27 March 2006.
“ ‘More is Meant than Meets the Ear’: Narrative Framing in the Three Versions of George MacDonald’s “The Light Princess.” Armstrong Browning Library. George MacDonald and His Children: The Development of Fantasy Literature. Baylor University. Baylor, Texas. 16-19 Sept. 2006.
“The Influence of Victorian Popular Theater on Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” Society for the History of Children and Youth Conference. Marquette University. Milwaukee. 4-7 Aug. 2006.
“Delicious Supplements: Cookbooks as Additives to Children’s Texts.” Modern Language Association Conference. Philadelphia. 27-30 Dec. 2004. (A revision of this article has been published in Critical Approaches to Food in Children's Literature)
“Children's Literature in History/History of Children's Literature.” Childhood: A World History Conference. Invited speaker. University of California-Berkeley. 10-11 Oct. 2003.
“Too Gaudy or Not Gaudy Enough: Lewis Carroll’s The Nursery ‘Alice’.” Modern Critical Approaches to Children’s Literature conference. Nashville. 10-12 April 2003.
“Alice in Consumerland: The Marketing of a Children’s Classic to Contemporary Readers.” Children’s Literature Association conference. Wilkes-Barre, PA. 14 June 2002.
“ ‘Besides, I can’t help if it is like Dickens’ : E. Nesbit and the Influence of Charles Dickens.” Children’s Literature Association conference. Buffalo, NY. 6 June 2001.
“ ‘Like the fragments of coloured glass in a kaleidoscope’: Andrew Lang Mixes Up Richard Doyle's In Fairyland.” Considering the Kunstmärchen: The History and Development of Literary Fairy Tales Fairy Tale international symposium at Cotsen Children’s Library at Princeton University. Invited speaker. Princeton 29-31 March 2001.
“From Grimm Beginnings.” The Oz Centennial 1900-2000 Conference. Indiana University. Bloomington, IN. 22 July 2000.
“ ‘Why is a Raven like a Writing-Desk?’ : The Play of Letters in Lewis Carroll’s Alice Books.” Modern Language Association conference. Chicago. 27-30 December 1999.
“Teletubbies ‘R’ Us: Growing Up Postmodern with Twinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po.” Growing Up (Post)modern: Border Subjects IV conference. ISU. Normal, IL. 7-8 Oct. 1999.
“The American Girls Collection: Barbies with a Sense of History.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association conference. Savannah, GA. 8 Nov. 1996.