Jan Susina's Publications in Academic Journals and Magazines
Note: Many publications are available through Project Muse, which provides online access to numerous academic journals. Many academic, public, school, and specialty libraries provide patrons access to Project Muse. Some publications are available below in .pdf format. Check out Jan Susina on ResearchGate as well https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jan_Susina
Academic Journal Publication
"Alabama Bound: Reading Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird while Southern" in The Southern Quarterly. (54: 3-4) Spring/Summer 2017.
“Escape from Kiddiebookland.” PMLA 129.1 (Jan. 2014): 119-120. Or link to PMLA website, if you have authorization to enter it.
"Playing Around in Lewis Carroll's Alice books." The American Journal of Play. 2:4 (Spring 2010) 419-28.
“ ‘Like the fragments of coloured glass in a kaleidoscope’: Andrew Lang Mixes Up Richard Doyle’s In Fairyland.”The Mad Hatter by John Tenniel, from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Marvels & Tales. 17.1 (2003): 100-17.
“The Rebirth of the Postmodern Flâneur: Notes on the Postmodern Landscape of Francesca Lia Block’s Weetzie Bat.” Marvels & Tales 16.2 (2002): 188-200.
“ ‘Why is a Raven like a Writing-Desk?’: The Play of Letters in Lewis Carroll’s Alice Books.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 26:1 (2001): 15-21.
“American Girls Collection: Barbies with a Sense of History.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 24:3 (1999): 130-5.
“Editor’s Note: Kiddie Lit(e): The Dumbing Down of Children’s Literature.” The Lion and the Unicorn 17:1 (1993): v-ix.
“ ‘Respiciendo prudens’: Lewis Carroll’s Juvenilia.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 17 (Winter 1992-3): 10-4.
“The Voices of the Prairie: The Use of Music in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie.” The Lion and the Unicorn. 16.2 (Dec. 1992): 158-166.
“The Chocolate War and ‘The Sweet Science’. ” Children’s Literature in Education 22 (1991): 167-75.
“ ‘Tell Him About Vietnam’: Vietnamese-Americans in Contemporary American Children’s Literature.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 16.2 (1991): 58-63.
“Educating Alice: The Lessons of Wonderland.” Jabberwocky 18 (1989): 3-9.
Articles published in magazines and newsletters
“Children’s Literature and the Common Core.” Children’s Literature Association Newsletter 20.3 (Autumn 2013): 5.
“Songs into Picture Books: Reading and Listening to Margaret Wise Brown and Raffi.” Five Owls 2005: 70-71.
“Advice to Young Writers.” Five Owls 15.3 (Jan./Feb. 2001): 59.
“Goodnight Everybody: Bedtime Books for Younger Children.” Five Owls 15.1 (Sept./Oct. 2000): 8-9.
“Conversation with Martin Gardner: The Annotator of Wonderland.” Five Owls 14.3 (Jan./ Feb. 2000): 62-4.
“ ‘After Alice’: Lewis Carroll at the MLA. The Knight Letter 60 (summer 1999) 7-8.
"Buckingham Nicks reavel future plans in interview." Birmingham After Dark. 1.4