ENG 100.1: Introduction to English Studies
Given the changes in ISU's Spring 2020 semester due to COVID-19, there will be some changes to the course. Here is the Updated Syllabus for this course for remaining semester. Revised Syllabus
Students: You should receive an invitation to Zoom classes in email and it is on Reggie.Net
Original Syllabus. Spring 2020. (updated is at top of page.)
Bruce McComisky's English Studies. Read "Introduction." link to .pdf
Link to .pdf of Jan Susina's entry on "Children's Literature" from the Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society Vol. 1. Paula S. Fass, ed. New York: Macmillan Reference, 2003. 178-85.
Ivan Brunetti chats with Chris Ware on "Peanuts"
Watch: “ ‘The Peanut Papers’ with Chris Ware & Ivan Brunetti.” By Library of America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10B8m
Good resume resources
ISU Career center resume writing guide: https://careercenter.illinoisstate.edu/student/resume/resumes.shtml
USC career https://careers.usc.edu/students/write-a-resume/
University of Washington: English Department Resume steps
University of Nebraska: Resume writing for English majors
MLA Style Guide
MLA has an online style guide at style.mla.org
Versions of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Alice's Adventures Underground. The British Library has photographed every page so you can see what the original looked like with Carroll's drawings.
The Nursery 'Alice' on Projecrt Gutenberg. Text and images.
Alice Liddell Hargreaves: "Alice's Recollection of Carrollian Days"
Lewis Carroll's " 'Alice' on the Stage"
George Orwell: "Politics and the English Language"
Due to changes in course, this reading is now optional.
Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll
Link to Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass with illustrations by John Tenniel https://archive.org/details/throughlooking00carr/mode/2up
John Tenniel's illustrations to the Alice books
"You're nothing but a pack of cards!" Illustration by John Tenniel
- • Watch: “Sir John Tenniel Alice in Wonderland Illustrations.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mKi8QlCk5g
- Tenniel illustrations for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland on Project Gutenberg
- Complete text of Michael Hancher's The Tenniel illustrations to the "Alice" books
- John Tenniel entry in The Victorian Web, with many links
Illustrators of Alice, after Tenniel
• Watch: “Alice in Wonderland/ Illustrated Bookshelf Tour.” Posted by Beautiful Books. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tsm4sZiyZHY
An overview of key illustrators of Alice in a .pdf document
Arthur Rackham's illustrations to Alice (1907)
Marie Luarencin's illustrations to Alice (1930)
Mervyne Peake illustrated Alice. A two-book set was published in Sweden in 1946. This Guardian (April 3, 2010) article by Vanessa Trope notes how his Alice illustrations were influenced by his work as a war correspondence during World War II. The blog Death by Papercuts has illustrations from the Alice books.
Ralph Steadman illustrated Wonderland in 1966 and Looking-Glass in 1977. Many images in this post on Maria Popova's Brain Pickings blog. Images from Steadman's Wonderland illustrations on io9.com
Salvador Dali illustrated Wonderland in 1969
Lewis Carroll as Photographer
A .pdf of a Powerpoint of key photos by Lewis Carroll
Photography collection at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas-Austin
Photographs at Princeton University Library
Photographs at University of Virginia. a more easily accessible site than the two previous ones, altho those libraries have the bigger collections.
Lewis Carroll's "A Photographer's Day Out" (.pdf)
Jan Susina's "Staging Childhood: Lewis Carroll's Costumed Photographs of Children."
Imitations of Alice
• Read:Gilbert Adair’s Alice Through the Needle’s Eye. If you don’t have the book,
read: Christina Rossetti’s Speaking Likenesses on Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/speakinglikeness00ross/page/n6/mode/2up,
OR read Charles E. Carryl’s Davy and the Goblin on Projecty Guttenburg. http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/25031
Jan Susina's "Imitations of Alice: Lewis Carroll and the Anxiety of Influence" (.pdf)
L. Frank Baum's Modern Fairy Tales (.pdf)
Joel Chaston's "The Ozificiation of American Children's Fantasy Films"
The Afterlife of Alice. Digital exhibit at the Smithers Library at the University of Florida from an exhibit in 2007. Curated by Kenneth Kidd. Specific essay by Kidd on "Alternative Alices"
Alice in Blunderland: An iridescent dream by John Kendrick Bangs A digital version at the University of Florida.
Alice in Popular Culture
• Watch: “11 of the Best Songs Inspried by Alice in Wonderland” Posted By Fuse. https://www.fuse.tv/2016/05/alice-in-wonderland-song-references-taylor-swift-panic-at-the-disco-beatles
• Watch: “Alice in Wonderland Comics & Graphic Novels.” Posted by Davidhoa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ26dz-hANI&t=301s
• Watch: “Alice Look—curated by Dr. Kiera Vaclavik.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2SEMefE3zE&t=56s
Watch: “Alice in Vogueland.” Posted by alKupra. http://cyberspaceandtime.com/PrDBQF7I5z0.video+related
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Exhibit at the Ransom Center exhiition 2015.
"The Alice Look" at the Museum of Childhood at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
"We're all mad here" Alice in Popular culture. on the Victoria and Albert Museum website.
"Surreally humorous Alice in Wonderland Inspired World" on Flavorwire. Dec. 20, 2011.
"Why we just can't get enough of Alice" by Adam Tschorn, LA Times. March 27, 2010.
"What's So Special About 'Alice in Wonderland'?" by Niraj Chokshi in The Atlantic. March 5, 2010.
Alice references in The Simpsons
Alice in Wonderland themed weddings. From Bridesmagazine, an Alice-themed wedding. . Even more Alice bridal ideas, these are more steampunk than mose.
A Pinterest collection of Alice party ideas for birthdays, teas & celebrations.
Alice for the iPad. A YouTube preview video
Jefferson Airplane singing "White Rabbit." video
Darker versions of Alice in popular cultureModel Natalia Vodianova as Alice with Christian Lacroix. Photographed by Annie Leibovitz for Vogue
American McGee's Alice. Original Trailer. (Rated by the video creators as R, for Realy Wicked). Madness Returns Teaser and Trailer and First Gameplay Footage.
Photos from Voguephoto shoot of Liz Jagger as Alice. More photos with model Natalia Vodianova and photographed by Annie Leibovitz for Vogue
Alice in film
The first Alice on film was shown in 1903. Photo:BFI
Alice Film Adaptations Jack Zipes: "Alice and the Absurdity of Home and Utopia" from The Enchanted Screen: The Unknown History of Fairy-Tale Films (Routledge, 2011)
David Schaefer's "The Film Collector's Alice" (.pdf document)
"Thirteen Ways of Looking at Alice in Wonderland in Film" essay by Jan Susina
Quick overview in video on several of the Alice films through the years.
1903 Alice in Wonderland film version on YouTube. According to www.cultural24.org.uk, "the film was produced by the pioneering Hepworth Studios and was based on Sir John Tenniel’s original illustrations - at 12 minutes it was the longest film produced in England at the time." Directed by Cecil Hepworth and Percy Stow
1915 W.W. Young's Alice in Wonderland film. Links to entire 45 min filmFiliming Jonathan Miller's 1966 version of Alice in Wonderland
1933 Alice in Wonderland trailer for film. W.C. Fields was Humpty Dumpty, Cary Grant was the Mock Turtle, Edward Everett Horton as the Mad Hatter and Gary Cooper as the White Night. Directed by Norman Z. McLeod from a screenplay by Joseph L. Mankiewicz.
1949 Lou Bunin's Alice in Wonderland. Lou Bunin was an American puppeteer, artist & stop-motion animattion pioneer. This was produced in Paris was stop-action and live actors. Disney tried to stop the release of the film as it came out around the same time as the Disney version.
1951. Disney's Alice in Wonderland animated film. See links below.
1964 Jonathan Miller's Alice in Wonderland. Here is a short segment with the Cheshire cat and the Queen. One minute trailer with Ravi Shankar music. Part 1 from dailymotion/BBC.Featuring Peter Sellers, Anne-Marie Mallik, John Gielgud, Michael Redgrave, Wilfrid Brambell, Peter Cook. Link to the film here. A 2-min segment here with the pig. "Through the Glass Darkly: Alice in Wonderland" Scott Thrill on Miller's film. (12/31/03)
1966. Hanna Barbera's animated Alice in Wonderland with Doris Day singing as Alice.
1966 Alice Through the Looking Glass. A very mid-century modern version.
1976 Bill Osco's Alice in Wonderland: An X-rated Musical Comedy. Trailer for the film The film was actually rated R and the trailer would probably receive a G rating today. Directed by Bud Townsend. Kristine DeBell played Alice. In 2007, an Off-Broadway musical based on this film was performed as Alice in Wonderland: An Adult Musical Comedy.
1983 Alice in Wonderland with Richard Burton and daughter Kate Burton. Production of Eva la Gallienne’s Alice. Directed by Kirk Browning. A PBS Great Performance production of the 1982 Broadway show. The production was a revival of actress-director Eva Le Gallienne and Florida Friebus's popular 1932 play.
1985 Irwin Allen's Alice in Wonderland. This clip from the two-part, 1985 CBS-TV version stars Ringo Starr as the Mock Turtle. Here's Sammy Davis, Jr., as the caterpillar doing "You are old Father Williams." Directed by Harri Harris. Script from the book with adaptations by Paul Zindel
1972 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland "The Croquet Match" Fiona Fullerton as Alice (later of James Bond film fame) and Michael Jayston as Lewis Carroll. Directed by William Sterling.
1988. Jan Švankmajer wrote and directed an Alice-inspired fantasy film with puppets, stop animination and actors. Its original Czech title is Něco z Alenky, which means "Something from Alice." Trailer for film. Rabbit and Horsemen scene (2 min)
1999 Alice in Wonderland. Directed by Nick Willing "Tweedle "The Lobster Quadrille" "The Cheshire Cat" scene with Whoppi Goldberg as the cat and Tina Majorino (of Veronica Mars fame) as Alice
2010 Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. The official trailer from Disney.
Disney and Alice film
Class presentation on Disney's Alice in Wonderland. A .pdf document of Powerpoint
Disney's Alice in Wonderland (1951) can be seen on YouTube. You have to watch it in parts, but you can still see the whole thing. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL022IQ09dNkCF6sVARyeHb9sz09r2r0Y9
Watch Disney’s Alice in Wonderland (1951) (available for rent on Amazon Prime, YouTube, Disney+)
• Watch on YouTube: Walt Disney’s “Alice’s Wonderland" (1903) posted The Classic Disney.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIFEIVkYSnw
• Watch on YouTube: “Alice in Wonderland, What’s the difference?” Posted by CineFix. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8VMM5YMjA8
• Watch Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland (available for rent on Amazon Prime, Hulu).
• Watch on YouTube: “Tim Burton about Alice in Wonderland 2010.” Posted by Mabledable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY9YLX1gNws&t=46s
Alice in Cartoonland. A 1923 short film created by Walt Disney. Features Walt talking to a girl as well as animated cartoons. (8 mins)
MIckey Mouse Thru The Mirror. A 1936 cartoon with Mickey dreaming about Alice's Adventures and Through the Looking-Glass. (8:50 mins)
Alice in Wonderland (1951)
- Introduction to film. (1:50 min). Can you find the error?
- Alice and the Hookah (1:39 min) Who are you?
- The Cheshire Cat (3:04 min)
- The Mad Tea Party. "A Very Unbirthday" (3:17 min)
- Very Good Advice "I give myself very good advice, but I very rarely follow it" (1:43 min)
- Walrus and the Carptenter (5:55 min)
- Ending Scene (3:41 min)
- Deleted scenes. Walt Disney's intro at Christmastime.
- Kathryn Beaumont on her role in the film
Leonard Matlin's "Disney's Alice in Wonderland" (.pdf article)
Alice entry on the Disney Wiki
Jonathan Gottschall’s The Storytelling Animal
Watch Jonathan Gottschall “The Dark Arts of Storytelling” The Power of Storytelling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBm6Ka2hX1s