ENG 387: Nineteenth-Century English Novel
Final Exam: Wednesday, May 4. 3:10 to 5:10 pm. Bring a Blue Book!
Syllabus for ENG 387: Nineteenth Century English Novel Spring 2011, in .pdf format
Resources for researching and writing papers, particularly with resources for the Nineteenth-Century English Novel. Lots of links, books, databases and the MLA Style Guide in .pdf
R. L. Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Notes on Stevenson's chapter on Dreams from the R. L. Stevenson website of the Library of Scotland
Robert Louis Stevenson website. Very thorough site funded by Edinburgh and Stirling Universities and maintained by academics and enthusiasists. Good place to start
Read the 1886 edition of the book in a virtual edition, you turn the pages.
General info, photos and quotations about Stevenson
Film versions, links to full films or clips from YouTube
- 1920 version with John Barrymore. Complete film 1 hr 20 min
- Clip from 1912 version. 2min.
- 2006 version, opening clip. 2 min
Alan Moore & Kevin O'Neill's The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Jess Nevin's detailed annotations of The League
Interview with Alan Moore about development of The League on Comic Book Resources website
Alan Moore talks about The League: 1910, part 1 of a 6 part interview from 2009
Warren Zevon singing "Werewolves of London." 1978. YouTube. 3: 17 min
Alan Moore talks about creating The League on the BBC4. YouTube 7:38 min.
"The Making of Mr. Hyde" from The League film. YouTube 6 min, part 1
Artists of the Steampunk show in Oxford
Steampunk exhibit at the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford. Includes photos, videos and more. Here's a thoughtful blog review of the exhibit including more photos. An informative broadsheet with photos and explanation from the exhibit (in .pdf format).
"Steampunk Moves Between 2 Worlds" article by Ruth La Ferla in The New York Times May 8, 2008
Steampunk 101, blog with photos of fashion and basic notes
Links and basic notes on steampunk
Steampunk.com, site focues on books and fiction
Steamnouveau: Phantoms Siren. Website focusing on steampunk fiction.From the Steampunk exhibit: Victorian "Eye-Pod" by Dr. Grymm Laboratories
Girl Genius. Steampunk comic
Steampunk Workshop blog site. DIY, music, and art ideas.
Dr. Grymm Laboratories: An artist creating steampunk contrapations and more
Steampunk fashion:
- Introduction to steampunk fashion:How to, basics and images
- Steampunk Costume, an informative blog
From Choronaut Mercantile's photographic novel
- Steampunk Emporium, store to purchase the clothes
- Steampunk Threads, an edgy fusion of Victorian & modern store
- Steampunk Fashion Resources
- Steampunk t-shirts at RedBubble
A retrofitted, steampunk'd computer laptop
Lewis Carroll's Alice books
Lewis Carroll. Photograph by O.J. Reijlander
The British Library's virtual tour of the original manuscript of Alice's Adventures Under Ground. 1. Opening description with images only (not as interactive). . 2. Shockwave version so it's easy to turn pages. 3. A page with link to Silverlight version (most interactive)
Jan Susina's interview with Martin Gardener on Annotated Alice from Five Owls. (.pdf file)
Lewis Carroll Society of North America. Filled with links. Lewis Carroll home page, hosted by the LCSNA.
Lenny's Alice in Wonderland page. Good links to basic info on the book.
Victorian Website links on Lewis Carroll
Lewis Carroll's scrapbook from Library of Congress
Illustrations of Alice that are not by Tenniel
Florence Milner's 1903 essay explaining poems in Alice and original
Lesson Plan for teaching Alice in high school. From Discovery ChannelAlice near the jury box, as illustrated by John Tenniel
Ruth Ann Zarnoff's interactive Alice site.
Tim Burton talks with Johnny Depp about Alice in Wonderland and Batman in LA Times (Oct. 15, 2008)
Blog on Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland and pop culture related materials
Penguin Books USA's reader's guide to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Middle school and high school level.John Tenniel's White Rabbit illustration
Cooper-Hewitt Museum video of page-by-page of Tony Sarg's Treasure Book. Video focuses on Alice in Wonderland and shows the pop-ups and details. YouTube. 1.5 min.
Trailer for 1999 television version of Alice in Wonderland. YouTube 1 min.
Unusual online text version with illustrations by many artists from many books. A Bedtime Story Classic
Link to information on Jan Susina's The Place of Lewis Carroll in Children's Literature
The first book in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
- Trailer for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone from Warner Bros. YouTube
- The Harry Potter Lexicon website. Keeps track of spells, characters, etc. Recommended by Rowling.
- Rowling's official website
- The Boy Who Lived, a U.K. fan website with lots of details
- The Leaky Cauldron fan website with Harry Potter News, forums, etc.
- The Scholastic website for Harry Potter.
- BBC biographical information about Rowling
- An interview and profile of Rowling from Oct. 2000
- A negative review of the first film in The New York Times by Elvis Mitchel
- A unit on the different covers for The Sorcerer's Stone book.
- Harry Potter vs. Twilight books and films.
- from The New Republic online, a 1999 essay analyzing the Harry Potter the first books, making links to other children's texts. by "Harry Potter and the Spirt of the Age" Lee Siegel
- Link to Google Books Reading Harry Potter: Critical Essays by Giselle Liza Anatol
- Harry Potter quiz on The Guardian's children's book page. (March 2, 2011)
Hogwarts, as seen in the Harry Potter films.
In Oxford, Christ Church 16th century dining hall was used during the filming of Harry Potter.
Christ Church College in Oxford where some of Harry Potter was filmed.
Victorian British school books, a few more links
- "Has public school fiction passed the test of time?" John Lucas asked in The Guardian (Jan 4, 2011). Brief overview of public school books from Tom Brown to Harry Potter.
- Notes on Talbot Baines Reed’s The Fifth Form At St. Dominic’s, published in 1881. Also author of Tom, Dick and Harry.
- Victorian Web's notes on William Farrar's cautionary tale, Eric, or, Little by Little (1858).
- Stalking & Co. by Rudyard Kipling. Kipling Society's webpage on his stories about boys' schools.
- Link to Google Books. Sally Mitchell's analysis The new girl: girls' culture in England 1880-1915.
- Angela Brazil's Edwardian school stories for girls
- Ravensworth Scholarship (1894) by Mrs. Henry Clarke. Early high school book about girls.
- You're a brick Angela! by Mary Cadogan and Patricia Craig.
- Notes on the British School Story Tradition
Tom Brown's School Days by Thomas Hughes
"Thomas Arnold in Tom Brown's School Days" and "Thomas Arnold's Theories of Secondary Education" by Thomas HughesGeorge P. Landow from Victorian Web
Kathryn Hughes re-reads and re-considers Tom Brown for The Guardian (Sept. 30, 2008)
Scanned reprint of biographical entry for Thomas Hughes from Encyclopedia Britannica 1911
Historic Rugby, Tennessee, founded by Thomas Hughes
Film and TV adaptations, from YouTube
- " Introducing Tom Brown" 1971 BBC version, part 2. 5:58 min.
- "The Fight" 2005 BBC version. with Alex Pettyfer and Stephen Frye video sometimes jagged.
- "Tom Crying" 2005 BBC version. 1:40 min
- "Of course you believe in violence. You're British." Bath scene. 1:02 min
- Rugby game from 1940 version. 2:53 min.
- "Standing down the bullies" 1940 version 7 min.
- Tourism videos of Rugby, Warwickshire 1 min.
Old Chapel, inside.
Old Chapel, West End. Completed 1821. "From Radclyffe's 'Memorials of Rugby.'
Jack Maggs by Peter Carey
Peter Carey
Interview with Peter Carey, by Powells Bookstore
Book Reviews of Jack Maggs. "Great Extrapolations" in The Guardian by Hermione Lee (Sept. 28, 1997). also titled "Great Extrapolations" in The New York Times by Caryn James (Feb. 8, 1998).
Paris Review interview of Peter Carey by Radhika Jones, from Summer 2006
"Interplay between Dickens' Great Expectations and Carey's Jack Maggs" by Jason Calhoun at the Queen's University of Belfast
Reading Group questions for Jack Maggs
Post-colonial web site with many links about Jack Maggs.
A few notes on the Victorian Web about Jack Maggs
A young Charles Dickens by Samuel Laurence, from about 1837-39
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Victorian Web's Links and Articles on Great Expectations. Thorough and interesting like everything on the Victorian Web
Charles Dickens: The Life of the Author by Kenneth Benson, from the NY Public Library website
Oprah's website about Great Expectations, which was one of her Book Club Picks. Date with Charles Dickens. Includes Jane Smiley talking with Oprah about the book. Discussion forum about Great Expectations, Notes for reading the book Character Guide.
60 Second Recap. Go to this website for informatively, lively videos on Great Expectations (Also check out her good, basic videos on writing a paper)
BBC's animated biography of Charles Dickens. Charming, informative.
John Forster's The Life of Dickens, biography by a friend. This section is about Great Expectations
Review in The Atlantic Monthly of Great Expectations from Sept. 1861.
"What larks, Pip" a re-reading of Great Expectations by Alison Light in The Guardian. (Sept. 21, 2002)
Dickens 2012, celebrating 200th anniversary of Charles Dicken's birth
The Dickens Project from the University of California.
List of characters in Great Expectations
Penguin's reading guide to Great Expectations
Great Expectations quiz. How well did you do?
Child laborers in Victorian England
from 1946 film
YouTube videos related to Charles Dickens and Great Expectations
- Opening from David Lean's 1946 version (3:22 min)
- Trailer for 1998 contemporary updating with Gwenth Paltrow and Ethan Hawke
- Great Expectations, BBC version from 1999, a segment in English with Swedish? subtitles. In this scene, Pip meets Miss Haversham
- BBC animated video about Charles Dickens.
- Charles Dickens: From Books to Film from Mojo video (3 min)
Great Expectations, contemporary version from 1998 with Gwenth Paltrow and Ethan Hawke
- The Changing World of Charles Dickens, documentary segment (1:29 min)
- Video overview of Dickens World, an attraction in the UK. (6 min)
Great Expectations in the news, in our culture:
In a line from Great Expectations, Charles Dickens perfectly captures the sensations associated with the beginnings of spring, "It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade." ("Elementary My Dears: Getting Ready for Spring")
Great Expectations (and serialized novels like it) were as close as Victorian England got to Gossip Girl, Grey’s Anatomy, or Lost. People waited anxiously every week for the next "episode" to arrive in the newsstands and on the shelves. (from Schmoop)
Of all the many Dickens tea scenes, I’m most fond of the tortured interactions between Pip and Estella in “Great Expectations.” (read the rest of the article about tea in literature "The Book Bench: Tea: A Literary Tour from
The New Yorker, Nov. 24, 2010.
After presenting a sportswear-driven collection for spring 2010, Prabal Gurung delivered an about-face with his Valentine's Day show (2011) inspired by Miss Havisham, the jilted spinster from Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations. The glamorous fall collection — complete with corsetry, ostrich feathers, fur, and washed silk — was a critical success for its fabric treatments and gorgeous draped gowns. (from New York Magazine, March 8, 2011)
Mike Newell is gearing up to direct a fresh take on Great Expectations, based on the book by Charles Dickens. Newell plans to direct the feature, which will be part of a year-round celebration of Charles Dickens's bicentenary in 2012. (from The Hollywood Reporter, Feb. 27, 2011)
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
"What Girls Want: A Series of Vampire Novels Illuminates the Complexities of Female Adolescent Desire" by Caitlin Flanagan. The Atlantic. Dec. 2008. Article in .pdf
- Stephenie Meyer's official website
- Twilight Guy website, one guy's perspective on Twilight phenomenon
- A Twilight trivia blog. Can you answer the questions?
- A Mormon author's perspective on Twilight books and Meyer as a Mormon. Thoughtful
- Elementary/ jr. high teachers discuss Twilight. Leads into how certain successful books bring kids to become better readers (Nancy Drew, Brian Jacques & Rick Riordan noted as well)
- A 23-page .pdf document on teaching a unit using Twilight. The lesson plan came from this blog, Twilight Novel Novice, which features many comments of teachers talking about using Twilight in the classroom.
Stefenie Meyer
- Christian Science Monitor asks the question of why Twilight is so popular (from Nov. 11, 2008).
- "Touched by a vampire." Laura Miller discuss the Twilight phenomenon on Salon on July 30, 2008 when the fourth book was published. Features 123 comments.
- A few popular Twilight blogs: TwilighersAnonymous.com Bella's Diary (a continuing saga written by a fan). Letters to Twilight (somewhat irreverent fans on Twilight gossip from all over).
- Blogs and notes comparing Dracula vs. Twilight. Youthvoices blog. ComicsAlliance.com's mashup of Dracula, Twilight & X-Men. Cracked.com's rather informative history on vampires. Twilight blog comparison of films
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Film versions of Dracula. If you go to the trailers, you can then see links to selections from that film.Bela Lugosi as Dracula
- Trailer for 1922 Nosferatu. YT 1:14 min. Entire 1922 film directed by F. W. Murnau. YT. 1hr 24:20 min
- Trailer for 1931 version with Bela Lugosi. YT. 2min Entire 1931 film. YT 1 hr 11 min
- Trailer for 1979 Dracula with Frank Langella directed by John Badham. YT. 1:41 min
- Trailer for 1992 film Bram Stoker's Dracula directed by Francis Ford Coppola. YT. 2:34 min
- Dead and Loving It, Mel Brook's 1995 humorous take on Dracula. YT. Part 1. 9 min
- Trailer for 2000 Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula. YT. 1:14 min. trailer is rated R.
- "Within My World" from Dracula the Musical. (2001) YT 4:31 min
- Trailer for 2002 Queen of the Damned with Aaliyah. YT. 1:50 min
- "Young Dracula" kid's TV show on CBBC. (2006-8) Episode 1 Part 1. YT 9:48 min.
- Documentary on Dracula: The True Story. YT 36 min
- Documentary on The Real Count Dracula: Romania. YT 8:35 min.
Gary Oldman as Dracula
Tributes to Dracula
- A fan's Top 10 Vampire Films as of 2008. YT video with stills. 3:22 min. Another fan's Top 10 Vampire Movies of All Times. YT video with stills. 4:27 min. Fan's Top 10 Vampires. TV 4:27 min Worth debating.
- "Dracula's Lament" from Forgetting Sarah Marshall. YT 2:47. Same song with vampire puppets on David Letterman's show. YT 3:55 min. Overkill, but here's Jason Segal & Jack Black doing the tune live. YT 1:38 min.
- short film using Edward Gorey's Dracula stage YT 4:41 min
- Count Dracula in a 1972 Sesame Street show as he counts. YT 2:57 min. Sesame Street's Count Dracula counting his feelings in 2009. YT 1:43 min
Information on Bram Stoker and DraculaBram Stoker
- Between Hero and Vampire: Dracula Info site from Romania. Info on Dracula, Vlad the Impaler, the various Dracula films and travel to Romania.
- Elizabeth Miller's website on Dracula and Bram Stoker including 20 Misconceptions on the author & work
- Bram Stoker website with information on author and his works
- American Movie Classic's notes on 1931 Dracula
Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights
- Editor's preface to Wuthering Heights (.pdf)
- The Reader's Guide to Wuthering Heights. Thorough site that annotates the book. Review on film/TV adapatations. Information on author, what inspired her, photos of real places, maps.
- A Google map showing locations in Wuthering Heights. Helpful
- Kate Bush singing her 1978 hit "Wuthering Heights" YouTube. 4:27 min and UK singer Haley Westenra's 2004 version of the tune with her music video. YouTube 3:27
PostSecret PostSecret Archive PostSecret tumblr
- "I cannot live without her." YT video from 2009 version. 4 min. Grave digging scene from 2009. YT. 3:57 min
- Clip from 1970 version with Timothy Dalton where they sweat their love to each other on the heath. YT. 9:51 min
- 60second recap. Introduction to Wuthering Heights. YT 1:17 min
- Selected scenes from 1992 version with Juliette Binoche & Ralph Finnes. YT. 8:12 min. Mashup from this version with Tori Amos singing "Loosing My Religion" YT 5:01 min.
- "Wuthering Heights in a nutshell" highlights from 1939 with Laurence Olivier and Merle Oberon. YT 1:10 min
- Quotes from Wuthering Heights. YT video. 1:19 min.
- "Bronte Sisters Power Dolls" amusing ad spoof. YT 1:16 min
Bridget Jones' Diary
- Bridget Jones in firestation. YouTube 1:50
- Bridge Jones interviews Colin Firth. YouTube 3:49 min. a little racy, but funny.
- "Is Colin Firth the sexiest actor in movies today" asks columnist Mary Schmich in the Chicago Tribune (Jan 26, 2011)
- My Pride & Prejudice Blog on why Colin Firth was voted the best Mr. Darcy
Pride & Prejudice & more
- Mr. Darcy, Vampyre Trailer. YT. 1:08 min
- Preview for Pride & Prejudice & Zombies iPhone App. YouTube. 2 min
- Lion Pride & Prejudice. YT. 1:54 min
- Pride & Prejudice Barbie Style, created by college students. TV 3:07min
Pride & Prejudice links
from 2005 Pride & Prejudice film
Helpful materials on Austen's world and time
- Republic of Pemberly: website on all things Jane Austen. Site's links specifically to Pride & Prejudice.
- Regency England, website on culture, clothes, and life
- Molland's, a community and resource for Austen
- Jane Austen's house in Chawton, Hampshire, England
- Jane Austen Society of the UK. Images of Austen-era clothes
- Jane Austen's World, blog with news & thoughts on Austen
- Jane Austen Centre in Bath
Map for places in Pride & Prejudice. Click to larger map
Jane Austen
Pride & Prejudice (2005) with Keira Knightley
- Pride & Prejudice. 2005. First proposal during a storm on YouTube
- Film ending with the kiss (different from book) on YouTube
- Mr. Bingley rehearsing proposal. YouTube 37 sec.
- Pride & Prejudice 2005. forum. notes on production
- BBC documentary, with critics' interviews, on Pride & Prejudice. YouTube. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
- Interview with Joe Wright, director of 2005 Pride & Prejudice.
Image from 1995 BBC versionPBS Masterpiece Theatre site for the BBC Pride & Prejudice (1995) version with Colin Firth
- The Lake Scene. YouTube. 3:51 min
- Mr. Darcy's first proposal. YouTube. 4:08 min
- A walk that changes everything. at Pemberly. YouTube. 2:11 min.
- Mr. Darcy's second proposal. YouTube. 3:22 min
YouTube mashups comparing 1940, 1995, and 2005 film versions.
- Piano scene comparison on YouTube
- Discussion on accomplished women while Jane recuperates. 2:24 min
1980 BBC version. Part 16. 1st Darcy proposal comes in at 6 min of 9 min YouTube video
You've Got Mail (1988) segments related to Jane Austen. from YouTube
- Confession of loving Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice. 23 seconds.
- Coffee shop scene.
- You've Got Mail. Ending. 3 min.
Bride & Prejudice (2004). selections from film on YouTube.
- No Life Without a Wife song/ dance about Mr. Collins (4:55)
- Wedding Dance. (5:11)
- Interview with Aishwarya Rai who plays Elizabeth in Bride & Prejudice (2004) from CBS Morning News. (5:22)
Resources for Studying 19th Century English Novels
The Victorian Web, a long-running website on Victorian Britain with many resourcesTechnology revolutionized the UK during Queen Victoria's reign, but cell phones were developed later.
Online version of classic 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
Victorian Studies Bibliography. a listing of noteworthy publications (including articles, books, and reviews) to study the Victorian period. Created by staff of Victorian Studies and MLA's Victorian Division. Use this to find the resources which you will then have to find in the library or online.
Victorian Links, a U.K website with numerous links.
Victorian Britain, from the BBC's History Trails. Articles, images and links on history and culture in Victorian England, including quizzes.
Victorian Britain, an interactive teaching guide from the U.K.'s National Archives focusing mainly on social issues, but with links to many primary sources.
Victoria & Albert Museum's online exhibit guide to its 19th Century collection. Lively and interesting.
The Victorian Dictionary, an organized, large encyclopedic-type collection of articles written during the Victorian period about life and culture. Easily searchable.
Queen Victoria's Empire, website created for related PBS series. Information on Queen Victoria and life in England.
Resources on Victorian culture and contemporary travel from Britian Express, a modern magazine on UK culture.
Mostly Victorian, a website that reprints articles from The Strand, a popular Victorian magazine.
Art History Resources on the web: 19th Century. Compiled by C. Whitcombe, professor of art history at Sweet Briar College. Extensive links on many 19th c. artists, not just British.
Links compiled for Jan Susina's course at Illinois State University ENG 387: Nineteenth Century English Novel.