ENG 381: Comic & Graphics Novels
Spring 2012 Jan Susina • Illinois State University • English Dept.
Course outline for Spring 2012 updated 1/19
Required Texts:
- Scott McCloud. Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art. HarperPerennial, 1993.
- Jeet Heer & Kent Worcester, eds. A Comics Studies Reader. U of Mississippi P., 2009
- Charles Schulz. Peanuts: A Golden Celebration. ed. David Larkin. It Books, 1999.
- Herge. The Blue Lotus (The Adventures of Tintin). Little Brown, 1979.
- Art Speigelman and Francoise Mouly, eds. Big Fat Little Lit. Puffin Books, 2003.
- Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons. The Watchmen. DC Comics, 1995.
- Frank Miller, Lynn Varley & Klaud Janson. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, DC Comics, 1997.
- Art Spiegelman. Maus I & II. Pantheon, 1986 and 1992.
- Joe Sacco. Palestine. Fantagraphics Books, 2002.
- Lynda Barry. One Hundred Demons! Sasquatch Books, 2002.
- Daniel Clowes. Ghost World. Fantagraphics, 1998.
- Craig Thompson. Blankets. Top Shelf Productions, 2003.
- Alison Bechdel. Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic. Houghton Mifflin, 2006.
- Chris Ware. The Adventures of Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid on Earth, Pantheon Books. 2000.
- Bryan Lee O’Malley. Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life, Vol. 1 Oni Press, 2004
- Gene Luen Yang American Born Chinese. First Second, 2007.
- Joseph Gibaldi. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Sixth edition. MLA.
Alan Moore's The Watchmen
Watchmen Analysis and Criticism (WatchmenComicMovie.com) Detailed analysis
"The Myth of Superman" by Umberto Eco (.pdf)
The Watchmen, chapter by chapterAlan Moore as a Lego
The Watchmen, Warner Bros official movie site
An Internet Companion to The Watchmen
"Watching the Watchmen" book released Oct. 2008
Interview with Alan Moore from Mile High Comics in 2005.Alan Moore, creator of The Watchmen
Interview with Alan Moore in 2003 from Arthur magazine.
Alan Moore on "Watchmen's 'Toxic Cloud' and Creativity vs. Big Business" from co-Create at Fast Company.
Alan Moore interviewed by LA Times about The Watchmen film (9/18/08)
Links to interviews with Alan Moore
Merging Charles Schulz and The Watchmen by cartoonist Evan Shaner.
What happens if Charles Schulz' Peanut characters morph into The Watchmen?
Bryan Lee O’Malley. Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life
Radiomaru (Bryan Lee O'Malley's website)
YouTube videos
- "Scott Pilgrim" by Plume Tree 3:18
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Clip #1 Hey (2010) 1:19
- Scott Pilgrim vs the World 2/10 L-Word 2:30
- The Runaways Cherry Bomb from film
- The Runaways official music video "Cherry Bomb"
- Scott Pilgrim film. "We are the Sex Bob-Bombs" compilation
- Frank Black's "I Heard Ramona Sing" music video
Scott Pilgrim wiki "over 220 articles, and 1,843 files"
Comic Book Reader interviews O'Malley about new Scott Pilgrim editions in color (March 2012)
Joe Sacco Palestine
Handala.org. Through the eyes of a Palestinian Refugee
Art Spiegelman's "Drawing Blood"
Joe Sacco artist's bio on Fantagraphics
Joe Sacco's website on Drawn & Quarterly
Sacco interviewed by Al Jazeera Jan 2010
Charles Schulz and Peanuts
official Charles Schulz website
- Charles M. Schulz museum website
- Play the Peanutizer game: which character are you?
- Peanuts animation website, from MIT developer
YouTube videos on Schulz and Charlie Brown
- American Masters: Good Ol' Charles Schulz: PBS. 3:18
- "Charles Schulz Draws Charlie Brown" from an unreleased documentary.
- Clip from "A Boy Named Charlie Brown" (1963)
- Genesis of "A Charlie Brown Christmas" 3:20
- Bill Melendez and Lee Mendelson on genesis of "A Charlie Brown Christmas"
- Bill Melendez on animating "A Charlie Brown Christmas" 3:11
- A Christmas Miracle: The Making of a Charlie Brown Christmas. 16 min
- American Master's website for documentary on Schulz. Watch a video preview.
- Video segment from 1985 documentary about Schulz, especially on animated specials. 6:31 on YTV
- Video segment from American Master's documentary on Schulz creating Charlie Brown. 3:28 on YT
- Author David Michaelis on Charles M. Schulz, creator of Peanuts. 4:36 video on YT,
- Clip from 1963 documentary "A Boy Named Charlie Brown" 4:36 video on YT
- Documentary: A Little Love: The Art of Bill Melendez. YouTube. 9:31 min
"Comic Art, Children's Literature and the New Comic Studies" by Charles Hatfield published in The Lion and the Unicorn vol. 30.3 (Sept. 2006): 360-382. link to pdf of essay
Mad magazine/Harvey Kutzman
Doug Gilford's Mad cover website
Comic Book Greats: Jack Davis Harvey Kutzman Stan Lee (YouTube video 45 min)
Harvey Kurtzman website including "Hey Look" samples
Al Jaffee's fold-ins for Mad magazine, connected to a New York Times article (Oct. 2010)
Tom Richmond's Mad blog, about cartooning, drawing and behind-the-scenes
Tintin sites
Official Tintin site. Includes video extract link on front page, biography details, & book material.
Tintin and I. From the PBS television's POV series.
Titinophile blog with links.
National Maritime Exhibit website. Tintin at Sea.
LeTinTin movie site. good links explaining Tintin and videos
"Hero, Villain, Yeti: Tibet in Comics" an exhibit at the Rubin Museum. Interactive site for the exhibit.
TinTin on YouTube videos
- The Adventures of Tintin. 2011. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Trailer #2. Another Trailer. The Hollywood Reporter interviews Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson on Tintin film. 3:58 min
- Hergé's Adventures. A West End play, based on Tibet book.
- Hergé's Adventures. Play. shorter video, quick overview.
- Tintin in Tibet. Animated version in English. part 1. about 10 min Tintin in Tibet. Cartoon in English. part 2.10 min. begins with Snowy getting lost.
- Tintin in Tibet. Cartoon in English. part 3. "We must save Chang!" 10 min.
- Tintin in Tibet. Cartoon in English. part 4. Begins with meeting in monastery. 10 min.
- YouTube. Tintin, in Swedish (I think)
- Link to Arefee's YouTube page with many Tintin animated versions in English.
Maholo.com's relatively encompassing page on Tintin, includes 45 minute show of Tintin in Tibet and many links
Tintin Euro coin. Good only in Belgium. Link to article
Peter Conrad of The Observer on the Guardian.co.uk on Tintin's appeals in a 2004 essay on Tintin's 75th anniversary
Brief New Yorker piece (Aug. 19, 2008) on a yet another Tintin controversy
Link to abstract of Anthony Lane's 2007 New Yorker essay critiquing Tintin
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
- section after the song at beginning, getting out of China, flying plane (part 2). YouTube
- section when they're just arrived in India. ( part 3) YouTube
RAW Comix edited by Art Spiegelman

"Portrait of the Artist as a Young %@?*!" by Art Spiegelman Virginia Quarterly Review. 2005.
Susan Stamberg interviewing Art Spiegelman. NPR Morning Edition. 1-26-05.
Harold Marcuse's website on Maus for his Univ of California-Santa Barbara History course on the Holocaust.
History of RAW Magazine, from Indy Magazine in Winter 2005 by Bill Kartalopolous
Little Lit site of Spiegelman and Mouly
Interview with Spiegelman on RAW magazine from Comics Journal and similar article from St Louis Post Dispatch in 1991
Read Yourself Raw. lots of links
Selection about RAW magazine from Stephen Heller's Design Literacy
Lambiek.net's interview and overview of Art Spiegelman
A little off topic, but funny clip from The Simpsons about comic book stores featuring Dan Clowes, Spiegelman and Alan Moore. 2.30 min on YouTube
Little Lit
"A Mash Note to Crockett Johnson" by Dorothy Parker (.pdf)
Little Lit site of Spiegelman and Mouly
"Back to the Future" Time magazine article on Little Lit (2003)
"It was a dark and silly night" by Neil Gaiman and Gahan Wilson from Little Lit. Animated version (5 min)
"Comics for kids?" Review of Little Lit in January magazine by Claude Lalumière. Nov. 2000.
Joe Sacco's Palestine
Interview with Joe Sacco on Palestine (.pdf)
Biography of Joe Sacco from Fantagraphic Books' website
Joe Sacco's website at Drawn & Quarterly.
"Eyeless in Gaza" interview with Joe Sacco in The Guardian by Rachel Cooke Nov. 2009
Joe Sacco interviewed by the A.V. Club website
Linda Barry
- Linda Barry's website, in progress
- Marlys Magazine
- Hillary Chute interviews Lynda Barry in The Believer (.pdf)
- Interview with Lynda Barry on NPR radio program, June 2008
- "Lynda Barry will make you believe in yourself" article in The New York Times Oct. 2011.
- A fan's site to Lynda Barry, comprehensive, but not recently updated.
- News briefs featuring Lynda Barry (from Drawn and Quarterly site)
- A few links to her book One Hundred Demons: At Copacetic Comics. A Books Blog reviews it with photos
- "Autobifictionalography" by Nathalie op de Beck (.pdf)
Daniel Clowes
BBC. Secret of Drawing, part 1 of 6 on YouTube. Includes main section on Dan Clowes. 9 min.
Smile and a Ribbon, section on song from Ghost World. YouTube. "Smile and a Ribbon." song sung by Patience and Prudence with updated cutout doll visuals. YouTube World of Henry Orient segment from 1964 movie. When the teen-age girls decided to learn everything about the semi-famous pianist Henry Orient, who's the object of affection of one of the girls. Directed by George Roy Hill. YouTube.
- Turner Classic Movie info on World of Henry Orient
- DVD Classics on World of Henry Orient, with synopsis and reference info to Ghost World
- Detailed Daniel Clowes bibliography with many links. Click around.
- Salon interview with Daniel Clowes from 2000.
- Interview from Jan. 2008 of Daniel Clowes on A/VClub website. He talks about Chris Ware's work, the New York Times work and writing about teenagers.
- Dan Clowes's Artist bio at Fantagraphic Books
- The A.V. Club interview with Dan Clowes by Noel Murray October 19, 2011
American Born Chinese links
American Born Chinese cover
- Monkey King with Jackie Chan and Jet Li. YouTube video 8 min.
- Gene Yang's website HumbleComics
- Weblog of First Second, publisher of American Born Chinese, as well as others including Prince of Persia, Sardine in Outer Space, The Lost Colony, and Alan's War
- NPR interview with Gene Yang (1/23/08)
- Back Dormitory Boys. BDB's VBlog on YouTube. BDB's Chinese website. BDB's web blog
Craig Thompson's Blankets
Craig Thompson's Blankets
Craig Thompson's website Doot Doot Garden
interview with Craig Thompson about Blankets by Bookslut. February 2004
Tracker. Blankets: Recordings for the Illustrated Novel. link to the digital CD to accompany the novel.
Craig Thompson on his influences in a blog entry for Boneville.com
From Thompson's blog "The comics narrative part of the CARNET DE VOYAGE.was constructed during a more comfortable part of the day or the next morning. I kept a separate journal to doodle and piece out my thoughts and thumbnail page compositions. Here’s a peek at that:"
an rejected image from Blankets
From Thompson's blog: "Okay. And now since this is supposed to be a visual blog, here’s a sample of the construction of a single HABIBI page.(recently shown at my Wordstock and PNCA talks)
1) the first draft drawn directly in my sketchbook in ballpoint pen. 2) the messy, re-edited / page breakdown version. 3) the penciled page, and some ornamentation I sampled and digitally arranged. 4) the final inked page.
Click on the following images for links to bigger images of preliminary sketches for Blankets
A page from a proposed screenplay of "Blankets"
Portland Life interview with Thompson about Blankets
Thompson talks about his 2007 Grammy award nomination for best record packaging for CD by Menomena
Link to the band Menomena's website, note Thompson graphics
Alison Bechdel links
Alison Bechdel's website Dykes to Watch Out For: Life in a Box
Video of Bechdel at Rutgers (5 min)
Alison Bechdel Coming Out (.pdf)
From Bechdel's wikipedia entry: "The strip popularized what is now known as the Bechdel Test, also named the Mo Movie Measure or Bechdel's Law. Bechdel credits her friend Liz Wallace for the test. The test appears in a 1985 strip entitled "The Rule", in which a character says that she only watches a movie if it satisfies the following requirements:
- It has to have at least two women in it, who
- Talk to each other about,
- Something besides a man."Edit
Dykes to Watch out for archive on planetout.com
Biographies for Bechdel's characters, from her blog
Bookslut interview with Bechdel from March 2007
Pine Street Art Works, a gallery representing Bechdel. Here showing large sketches on kraft paper.
Article on Bechdel on Afterellen.com
Austin Kleon's blog notes on talk by Alison Bechdel, nicely detailed, particularly on how she creates her comics. Oct. 2006
Comics Should be Good blog from 11/18/08 Review of Bechdel's work
New York Times article about Dykes to Watch Out For, Dec. 3, 2008
Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan
"Is there an African-American graphic novel?" by Michael A Chaney (.pdf)
Photographs from the World's Columbian Exposition: World's Fair of 1893. Site from the Chicago Historical Society.
Chris Ware interviewed on French television in 2005. YouTube videos
- part 1 of 3.
- Chis Ware interviewed on French television in 2005. part 2 of 3
- Chris Ware interviewed on French television in 2005. part 3 of 3.
Tavi, at Rookie magazine, interviews Dan Clowes in Dec. 2011
YT. Chris Ware on graphic novels vs. comics terms. 40 sec.
Images from Jimmy Corrigan on Random House website (a series of 4 images)
Chris Ware gallery on Random House page. with single images of Jimmy Corrigan
Chris Ware The Whitney Prevaricator 2002 From the Tate Modern collectionTranscript of Chris Ware interview on PBS, including thoughts on Tintin Copyright
Carl Hammer Gallery in Chicago, one of the galleries representing Ware. Check out b/w early versions and later color versions of work.
Adam Baumgold Gallery in New York. Links to some Chris Ware works. includes link to four New Yorker covers for Thanksgiving 2006.
Chris Ware original art, framed, from David Chila. Many links to Corrigan pages.
Article from Publishers Weekly blog on comics about Chris Ware and the Columbian Exposition
Comic Book Code of 1954
Charles Burns
"Skin Deep: Fantagraphics cover," 2001
Interview with Charles Burns in The Believer
Charles Burns's biography from Fantagraphics Books
Charles Burns's work at Adan Baum Gold Gallery
Interview with Charles Burns on X'ed Out from Comic Book Resources. Oct. 2010
Lambiek site about Charles Burns
The A.V Club's interview with Charles Burns from Nov. 2010
Dan Clowes Ice Haven
- Dan Clowes official website
- BBC Interview
- Dan Clowes's artwork at Richard Heller Gallery
- Leopold and Loeb. Famous American Law Cases
Edward Gorey
Edward Gorey house. Official website of the Massachusetts museum.
Good Edward Gorey site with page by page of text and illustrations from three books
Essay from Salon by Amy Benfar on an appreciation of Edward Gorey upon his death. scroll down to link to various images.
Online version of a Gorey alphabet., The Gashleycrumb Tinies (This site looks a tad odd at the top, but scroll down and you can see images fine.)
Goreybooks, a site that sells all of Edward Gorey's books
Website for Gorey documentary.
The Exuberant Funeration. great slightly animated version using original illustrations. cool. YouTube. about 1:30 min
Edward Gorey YouTube selections
- Tour of Gorey's house from "All Access CapeCod." Greatest tidbit: he had 25,000 books in the house and a collection of cheese graters. Interesting. Shows the exhibit of Gorey's children's books. May 2008. YouTube. 4:17 min.
Well designed version of Gashleycrumb Tinies. Good sound and clever execution. about 5 minutes.
Reading of "Gashleycrumb Tinies" probably the shortest at about 2 mins. Good
Interview with Gorey about his work on the PBS Mystery! series.
Video from a segment of Edward Gorey documentary. Interesting to watch him narrate his story as enacted by puppets. He gives specific stage directions. You Tube. 3 mins.
Great reading of Gorey's The Epipleptic Bicycle. Page by page reading by two clever readers. YouTube. about 3 min.
Mystery! introduction by Edward Gorey. You Tube. 45 sec.
Oliver Twist and Fagin the Jew
- The 24 illustrations George Cruikshank created for Dickens' monthly installments of Oliver Twist
- Complete e-text of Oliver Twist, for reference
- Good overall introduction to Charles Dickens' Oliver and general info about Dickens' time and works
- "Rekindling the Victorian Reading Experience." Good brief essay about reading Dicken's Oliver Twist in the original format, which was magazines. Discusses how reading the novel is somewhat different in serialized form. From the MLA website. Essay by Catherine Golden
Krazy Kat
Website devoted to Krazy Kat and Coconino County. Lots of color and b/w images.. Good history.
Krazy Kat animated cartoon from 1916. 3 minutes on YouTube "Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse at the Circus"
View a few more large panels of Krazy Kat at this site. Introduction to Kat panels . (Arrows to navigate are on the bottom of pages)
Link to full-page spread of Krazy Kat from Nov. 1937 Sunday. From the exhibition "Masters of American Comics" at the
Hammer Museum at UCLA.
Essay post by Jeet Heer about the language of Krazy Kat from the blog "Sans Everything"
...after World War II, when I came home, Krazy Kat became my hero. I had never seen Krazy Kat up until then because neither one of the papers in the Twin Cities published it, so I didn't know Krazy Kat. But then it became my ambition to draw a strip that would have as much life and meaning and subtlety to it as Krazy Kat had.
Charles M. Schulz, creator of Peanuts
Recent links about comics & graphic novels
"New Books from Old: Turning Classics into Comics" by Ada Price, Publishers Weekly 12/21/2009
Chris Ware and history of comics
- Link to BBC article
- Selection of Ware's b/w versions at the Carl Hammer Gallery. You can see his work at various stages.
- Link to image of the McSweeney's cover by Ware
Rodolphe Topffer Rodolphe Töpffer
information from zomplist.com with line illustrations
Lambiek.net on Topffer with images
Chris Ware's book review of two new books on Topffer in article titled "Strip Mind" in bookforum.com
"Monsieur Vieuxbois " cartoons by Topffer
work by Topffer
A few interesting sites for reference
- Columbia University's Graphic Novels Page.
- The comics librarian at Columbia University's monthly column on comics and choosing them for the library
- Comixology. sort of a BoingBoing and review site for comics
- Kentucky Department for Library and Archives' approved list of comics and graphic novels for several age groups as well as links about them
- Brodart's Core List of Graphic Novels for public libraries
- SequentialTart: a webzine about the comic industry, regularly updated
- A resource site for parents, teens & librarians about graphic novels. good links
- Graphic novels for teens in the curriculum, enhancing literacy and in libraries. A site from Scotland.
- Friends of LuLu: encourages women reading comics and participating in the industry.
- Gene Kannenberg's Comic Research website
- Scott McCloud's website
- Acme comic storeFantagraphic Books website
- The Acme Comic store website in Normal
- International Journal of Comic Arts website
- ImageText: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies (University of Florida)
- Gene Yang's Humble Comics website (Yang is the author of American Born Chinese)
- Dav Pilkey's Website o' Fun (Pilkey is the author of the Captain Underpants series)
- Ivan Brunetti's website
- Ivan Brunetti talks abouting creating his compilation books for Yale. YouTube video
Ivan Burnetti drawingA website about Winsor McCay
Lambiek Comiclopedia
Babymouse! website. Interview with Matthew Holm, co-creator of Babymouse
D.C. Comics website
Minx Books website
Brian Selznick The Invention of Hugo Cabret website
Website devoted to the history of Flipbooks. At end of this page is one of Chris Ware's viewers
Essay about show at Vancouver Art Gallery. "Krazy: Delirious World of Anime +..."
A/V Club website. A compendium of the latest on popular culture, treat comics and graphic novels as an important part.
The ESSL Children's Literature blog from U of I about comic resources
Notes on Arabic version of Superman, called Nabil Fawzi from "Tintin Travels" blog. Saudi Aramco World magazine article from March/April 1970 on bringing Superman to Arabic world. Blogpost from "The Hooded Utilitarian" on localizing Mickey Mouse for Egypt
A few comic sites recommended by Gene Yang
- Global Hobo Comics (hand made and hard to find)
- Image Comics
- ICv2.com Inside Popular Culture
- Comics Reporter
- Comic Book Resources